Is Hide Folders XP any good?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by G1111, Jan 26, 2006.

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  1. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Looking for a program to lockdown/hide file folders and files. Came across FS Pro's Hide Folders XP. Does anyone use it here? Anyone have any recommendations. I thought about something like Cryptosuite, but want something that is easy to use for accessing the file/folder(s) myself.

    Also interested in any info. on Universal Shield by Everstrike Software.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2006
  2. pojispear

    pojispear Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2006
    Magic Folders is good. works like a charm
  3. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Thanks, I take a look.
  4. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

    You would be well advised to check out a good encryption program instead.

    nowadays most encryption programs are extremely easy to use....many have "on-the-fly" encryption/decryption of files/folders
  5. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    I am looking at Cryptosuite also. Not quite sure which way to go. Thanks for the response.
  6. Snowie

    Snowie Guest suggested by a very good program and much worth the install...........
  7. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    fspro's hide folders is a nice App, but with the free version you are limited to only two folders. But if you create say one or two main folders to hide, then you can put as many subfolders as you like in those !

    Even better is encrypting those folders before you hide them, with something like what's been suggested, or the excellent open source free Axcrypt. It has numerous inbuilt safety features, such as not leaving keys or passwords in plain sight on the PC, as it always cleans up after itself in a very secure way. Encryption is top class too.

    And even better that that, if you install Axcrypt in one of those above folders, then you can also select in HFs to hide the whole lot including itself ! Just don't forget the secret unshow keys and password.

    The above two Apps working together make an excellent combination to a much sought after solution, i know i've used both.

  8. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    I'm using Invisible Secrets for Steganography (hiding files/folders/...) into jpeg/... files.

    some other features:
    very nice gui and very good support!.

    Attached Files:

  9. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Thanks for the responses. I will look into the suggestions. I am still not sure what way I am going to go on this. I have pretty good up front security, but you always have to worry about someone being able to bypass it somehow like through a hole in Windows that has not yet been discovered like the recent WMF fiasco or someone figuring out something you haven't thought about.
  10. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    What are the benefits of encrypting data on your harddisk ?
    There are even softwares that encrypt your complete harddisk, including operating system.
    I'm not really interested in software names (that comes later), I only want to know how it works in practice and the main pros and cons.
    Let us also not talk about prices, that's not important for me.
    Price is only important for me when I have several softwares that do the same job and have a different price and
    I consider $0.00 also as a price.

    I see encryption like this and correct me if I'm wrong or incomplete.
    - encryption makes your file unreadable for other people unless you know the key
    - a hacker won't be able to read your encrypted files
    - an encrypted file that has been stolen from your harddisk is worthless for the thief.

    - each encrypted file is automatically decrypted when you open the file for reading or editing
    - each decrypted file is automatically encrypted again when you close the file.

    - I guess there are several levels of encryption and probably passwords
    - you can encrypt any normal object
    - you can decrypt any encrypted object and bring it back to normal.

    - I guess that the automatic encryption and decryption makes opening and closing files SLOWER.
    Significant slower or not noticeable ?

    - I guess some brilliant people are able to decrypt encrypted files with a dirty trick ?
    Thanks in advance for your co-operation.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2006
  11. Brinn

    Brinn Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    This is true. The good programs use the same encryption algorithms which are well known and well tested. The weak link would be the key you choose. What you're paying for would be functionality, convenience, etc.
    I believe that is how it works. Encryption and decryption is done "on the fly". Someone else can answer better than me.
    With TrueCrypt, I don't find that at all.
    I guess it's always possible. It's not likely. Blowfish, for instance, is 448-bit encryption. Very tough to beat (I won't say impossible). Again, the weak link would be the key you choose.
  12. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

    Ever heard the term "half-stepping"....? Encryption has advanced by leaps in recent anyone not using encryption is "half-stepping"

    An just like so many other so-called security programs.....there are "toys" and then there are real security programs......Truecrypt and Axcrypt are real security programs..........unlike some encryption programs that leave you guessing if there is a "backdoor" built into the program.......

    It does not take a brilliant person to break sloppy encryption.....there are programs that do the work for you.......don't forget..this is the internet an if it can locate it on the would be amased at whats so very easy to get........there are forensics tools out there that would turn a young man's hair white from worry if he knew about them......its just not a subject talked about........certainly not at security forums......
    We have entered a new age and time here in only a rare few are prepared....many are just putting their heads in the privacy on the internet is what you make it.....not what others make it for you..........therein is the greatest mistake being made...people accepting rules made by other people who want only to control their internet useage....
    Encryption does not need to be completely understood by a USER in order to use it.........a good encryption program makes its own reputation....such as truecrypt....axcrypt........use programs that are well known in the security community......but be careful......ask...if you don't know what is ment by the "KEY"....ask........if you don't understand what Blowfish is....ask.......
    There is encryption for MESSENGERS......encryption for E MAIL......encryption is good......its has a purpose.....use it.....or go "half-stepping" down the Pike always wondering....
  13. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I think Hide Folders XP is a great product, very handy if you want to hide or lock files and folders. Of course it perhaps doesn´t offer the best protection against data theft (at least if a more advanced user has physical access to your PC), but for me it´s good enough, I don´t think that trojans will be able to steal data hidden by HF.

    I´ve also had bad experiences with encryption software, I´ve lost files because of it, so that´s why I try to avoid it. Btw, HF has got a nice and handy GUI, another plus, and it´s one of my favorite apps, I suggest you check it out. :thumb:
  14. Of all the programs that simply "hide folders" this is the best. Hide Folders XP can't be beat for ease of use. It's most effective when you want casual security. I wouldn't lock up state secrets with it, for that I would use Truecrypt, but casual security to keep casual snoopers out, this is an ideal app.

    They also have a nice program called Lock XP which requires a password to get into Windows and also locks on-demand. Again, for casual security, but it's another step one must "break".
  15. G1111

    G1111 Registered Member

    May 11, 2005
    Rasheed & gq - Thanks for the responses. I am still not sure which way to go on this. I may tryout some of the programs suggested above that offer trials before I decide on one. Anyhow appreciate all the responses.
  16. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    OK snowie. Encryption will be included in my next security setup. I will call it "full-stepping" :D
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