Irfanview New Version - 4.20

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by nanana1, Jul 17, 2008.

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  1. nanana1

    nanana1 Frequent Poster

    Jun 22, 2007
    The best image viewer gets better :D

    Version 4.20 ( - CURRENT VERSION - ) (Release date: 2008-07-16)
    Basic Unicode support added (Properties->Misc 1, thanks to Christophe Paris!)
    New zoom options; improved relative zoom (Properties->Viewing)
    Thumbnails can be sorted manually using drag/drop
    GIF animations can be played in fullscreen/slideshow mode
    New Advanced batch options: Fine rotation, Blur, Median ...
    Option to show TIF Annotations created by Kodak Imaging (Properties->Viewing)
    New JPG save option: Set file size (PlugIn: thanks to Lucian Sabo)
    New save menu: Save for Web (PlugIn: thanks to Lucian Sabo)
    New thumbnails options to disable or configure info text on mouse over
    New edit menu: Auto crop borders (remove outside lines/rows of same color)
    New feature in Canvas dialog: negative border sizes are allowed (border crop)
    New option in Capture dialog: Capture desktop on current monitor only
    New options in Custom selection dialog: Set custom ratio; Save values
    New slideshow option (window mode): Set window position
    New Fullscreen display options: Fit to screen width/height (Hotkeys: 5/6)
    IPTC data in TIF files can be showed (no editing yet)
    Fixed Thumbnails crash on multi core CPUs
    New command line option for EXE Slideshow: /window=(x,y,width,height)
    Option to set Status bar text using placeholders (Properties->Misc 3)
    Option for proportional paste into selection (Properties->Misc 3)
    Support for EXR format (PlugIn)
    Support for MAG format (MAKI, Formats PlugIn)
    Default display option is now: Fit only big images to desktop
    Expanded Copy/Move dialog (4 more folders)
    New Edit menu: Maximize and center selection (hold CTRL to center only)
    New option in Edit Palette dialog: Click on image to find color index
    New Thumbnails menu: Remove selected thumbs from list, Hotkey: Ctrl+Del
    New Thumbnails menu: Save selected files names as TXT
    New Thumbnails menu: Start Panorama dialog with selected files
    The Enhance/Correct colors dialog can be resized/maximized
    Enhanced TIF-LZW saving with 24 BPP images (smaller files are created)
    New command line option: /jpg_rotate=(...values...)
    JPG lossless rotation, see i_options.txt for examples
    New command line option: /transpcolor=(r,g,b)
    Set transparent color: can be used for GIF/PNG/ICO saving
    New Hotkey: SHIFT + F = Fit only big images to desktop
    New Hotkey: SHIFT + W = Fit images to window
    New Hotkey: NUM-PAD 5 = Scroll to image center
    New Hotkey/Menu: CTRL + N = Open current file in another IrfanView window
    New Thumbnails option: Auto scroll during creation
    New option in JPG IPTC/Comment dialog: Append text to old text
    Scan dialog: 'Skip existing files' works also for multipage TIF files
    Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions
    Some minor bugs/features fixed/added (scrolling)

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    Thanks for alerting us to it's newest update. Great Freeware App! for many years.
  3. Huupi

    Huupi Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2006
    Hmm... the greatest,i doubt that,yes for a simple jpg workflow and maybe tif it should enough.But if you shoot DNG or propetiary camera RAW like most serious or proffs photographers then you are at a loss with Irvanview cause no support for these formats. Much better is Faststone Imageviewer (free) with all the needs for a serious photographer.
  4. nanana1

    nanana1 Frequent Poster

    Jun 22, 2007
    The big change in this new version is the long awaited Unicode suppport:argh:

    RAW image support continues to be an issue for Irfanview and being requested to be developed. See their forum*puppy*
  5. menuet2

    menuet2 Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Except the author won't frikkin' add support for JPEG preloading! I've e-mailed him YEARS ago about that.

    JPEG preloading means that while you look at an image, the next image is loaded and decoded in the background so that when you go to the next image, it will be displayed INSTANTLY.
  6. nanana1

    nanana1 Frequent Poster

    Jun 22, 2007
    I wouldn't want JPEG preloading support in Irfanview. I open the jpg files I wanted to view and that's it ! No need to second-guess to preload anything:ninja:
  7. HAN

    HAN Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Yeah, I pretty much feel the same way. From my experience, IV flies anyway. Noticeably faster than any other well featured image viewer I've tried...
  8. Arup

    Arup Guest

    This is exactly why I keep coming back to it and like Opera, for me Irfan View is a keeper. I have tried all other viewers and nothing open s and scrolls through images faster than this. Also the limited but handy editing features are good and with excellent results. The interface is not confusing and is quick under use. Irfan View is an excellent program and has been so for quite long.
  9. nanana1

    nanana1 Frequent Poster

    Jun 22, 2007
    947 long as I remember it's as old as Winamp and is then what Winamp is to mp3 as Irfanview to view pictures and Opera actually was born much latter.:p
  10. menuet2

    menuet2 Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2008
    Geez, that's really stupid. WHAT exactly do you have against Irfan decoding in advance the next JPG? Do you just like to waste 2 seconds loading the next image? Are you against prefetching in general? Would you like hard disk controllers to not preferch anything when you do sequential reads? Do you have any idea how slow that would be?

    Maybe you have a CD player in your car, or a portable one. Did you know that as you listen to, say, 0:35, it pre-loads the next 5 seconds? It's called "skip protection". JPEG preloading has been a feature in ACDSee for ages, and users who can tell the difference have been looking for it in IrfanView. See

    Also, before anyone says that Irfan is "fast enough", let me remind you that some of us have real cameras (think 12 megapixels) that produce large JPEGs (7-8Mbs), especially in superfine mode.

    To the guy who said,

    Winamp is BLOATED nowadays. If you like NOD32 because it's written in assembly, and you like Irfan because it's small and fast, then you should use something minimalistic (yet still configurable in any imaginable way) like foobar2000 to play mp3s.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  11. Arup

    Arup Guest

    I have been an Opera user since version 2x and Opera was initially released in 1996 which makes it older than Winamp and Irfan View if I am not mistaken.
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