Introducing AX64 Time Machine - hybrid imaging/snapshot software

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Isso, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. timmy

    timmy Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2005
    To Mr. Froggie, Ah I see, thanks. Am going to try to get a window 8.1 disk, you can download it for free. Should have had it anyhow. At least now know what to do. And yes I did have the Rollback on here at one time.

    to Mr. Peter21, Yes understand what you say. Perhaps meet in the middle?
  2. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    like peter at least for now ive removed ax64 and am kind of sad i even bought the multiple lics i did. im testing other snapshot programs now and im debating on upgrading my macrium before 6 comes out. ive seen no updates or any word from them myself as to whats going on and
  3. Grumpa

    Grumpa Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2013
    If indeed AXTM is done (intuitive speculation), is there a Forum consensus on which v1 and v2 is the most "stable" versions? I need to cover both Windows XP and 7 PCs, and I have every version and beta on file. Thank you.
  4. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Grumpa, I have never been truly comfortable with v2 on either of my W7 or W811 systems. I have been using v1.4.1.48b on both of those systems (simple in configuration, LEGACY BiOS, MBR-based HDD/SSDs) with excellent results. Although I don't switch between versions any longer, v1 has always been compatible with data chains created under both versions as far as data extrication is concerned as well as COLD restores... I wouldn't mix the chains.

    I only protect my SYSTEM partition and only use MANUAL snapshots.
  5. Grumpa

    Grumpa Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2013
    Excellent summary. Thank you. I have a similar "simple" setup with 8 PCs. I am multi-licensed for v1 and v2, but have always "leaned" towards Isso's v1. So it is written, so shall it be done: v1 it is.
    Again, thanks.
  6. Zero3K

    Zero3K Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Louisville, KY
    I'm having a chat with Nathan via the site's Live Chat function. He's telling me that they're stil at work at getting a new version out and that they lost a precious developer because of a bad accident.
  7. timmy

    timmy Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2005
    An "accident"? Well, maybe. But would feel better if Inspector LeStrade of Scotland Yard was looking into it.
  8. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Its good to hear that work is still going on and sad to hear of the loss of one of the coders. Thanks for the info.
  9. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Well why can't they come in here and explain to all of us. Also as far as I am concerned, the beta expiration and the way that was handled is expiration of my interest.
  10. Jim1cor13

    Jim1cor13 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Hi Pete :)

    I certainly agree with you. I am sorry to hear of the loss of one of their developers, and
    I hope they can continue to work on AXTM, but at this point, when I use it, I only use V 1.4.124, but I have not used it for some time now. That was the last Isso release. I have not tried V 2 yet. Communication is essential for sure, and I hope that improves at some point along with consistency.

  11. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    What the meaning of "lost one of their developers", and "bad accident" means might mitigate this a bit (a lot?).

    Anyway, time will tell and I would hope we could keep an open mind.
  12. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    If Waj was able to type an email, and Nathan can live chat, that means they can type. No excuse. Look I know I am expecting a high standard. Go look in the Appguard thread. An issue about a bypass needed addressing. I emailed Barb_C Friday night late. She replied telling me she wasn't sure what they were going to do. I wrote her back and said I understood that but it's a trust issue and Blueridge really needs to post, acknowledge the issue. She replied agreeing and she posted. It was the right thing to do.

    What is happening here is totally remiss. Sorry if you think I am being hard, but I live this standard in my business every day, and see the effect.

  13. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Not a problem, I fully understand your concerns. I really appreciated Issos way of dealing with us but since he has faded into the background communication has become more typical of many if not most developers. The expiration of the beta with no communication is a big mistake on the part of the development team. Any way I remain hopeful that things get back on course for AXTM but it may be too late for it in terms of the folks here if the Macrium 6 app lives up to its marketing. We shall see.
  14. MarcP

    MarcP Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    If the existence of a software is based upon the presence of a particular developer, there's a serious management problem within the company about the intellectual property. It is all speculations at this point and I don't want to sound insensitive, but a properly managed product should not revolve around one or two key people. Bad things happen and you should be ready for it. Betting the future of a company on one individual doesn't make business sense.
  15. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Yes, of course you are right, but reality is that some software is built primarily by one individual. Isso was the brains behind AX64, yes he had a team but without him there would not have been any product at all. We were happy to accept what he had on offer without worrying about what it would mean to the product if something happened to him.

    And you are right, it is all speculation, all we know is that some accident has taken some individual member of the development team away. We do not know any more than that so to sound the death knell of AXTM at this time is way premature.
  16. mxyzptlk

    mxyzptlk Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2013
    But with dwindling interests (be it because of one's high standard, Isso-ism, incompatibility issues, less than perfect communication, bad beta handling, whatever), it sure will make the future road of AX64 bumpier.
  17. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    True enough, but it is their doing
  18. bgoodman4

    bgoodman4 Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    That I do agree with.
  19. sdmod

    sdmod Shadow Defender Expert

    Oct 28, 2010
    This product has never really functioned as advertised and I think that when the early gifted developer (who worked ethically and had a particular development philosophy) realized that he had too much on his hands in achieving his goals whilst maintaining his integrity, he was probably grateful when the time came that he was offered the opportunity to withdraw
    I believe that his intentions were good but he must have realized that he was trying to achieve the unachievable. Users in this important scenario where your data and system is at stake need a software that is predictable, robust and meet the demands of a changing world in terms of technological development both in hardware and software. This is a big 'ask' for anyone. I'd say that there would never be a day for a developer when there wasn't some problem or complaint to meet him on arrival at work.
    In the early days these sorts of developments can seem like an exciting challenge for the developer, the users and enthusiasts in this field but there is a lot at stake, that isn't maybe immediately realized.
    I think the new team maybe had a different policy and agenda for development, that they seemed to want to promote a marketable product and tried to market prematurely as the software (though highly developed) had not achieved a state of general useability.
    The previous level of communication and mutual enthusiasm began to wane as it dawned on the usership that Isso was (in effect) gone.
    Users for a period of time tried to input as of old but the flow and confidence in the success of the development was, by increment, lost.
    The most important thing in the development of security software is a symbiotic developmental relationship with mutually achievable goals. If either of those things are not sustainable then that software cannot (and will not ever) succeed as a marketable and 'classic' software.
    If you imagine a 'genius in the attic' sort of scenario, How would that person ever know that he's achieved his goals working alone if he's cut of from his potential users and their diverse needs and requirements? If he is only following his own subjective agenda to create the perfect product then he'll remain in that attic with empty pockets and no friends with a piece of software that is only good in his own head.
    It can never happen that way in a fast changing hi-tech world with increasing demands for stabilty, security, acccountabilty and involvment.
    Development on the 'cutting edge' of security will succeed on mutual respect, mutual developer client experience, expertise and agreed shared goals. Otherwise it will remain only an isolated 'academic' project that never holds water in the real world.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  20. Izettso

    Izettso Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2007
    According to a message that I received from Nathan Vong of AXTM "Once expired we only have the version available 528
    We will be releasing an extended beta soon, for now, we recommend using an alternative backup solution for now such as Macrium Reflect.
    Thanks so much and sorry for the inconvenience."

    I'm therefore starting to use Drive Snapshot which I used to use in the past.
  21. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003

    Double and Triple Duh. How unsmart is that
  22. Chamlin

    Chamlin Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Will we laugh when it turns out that the Waj Team sold the intellectual property of AX64 to Macrium, and that's what Macrium, with proper resources, was able to take to stable fruition? ;)
  23. oliverjia

    oliverjia Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2005
    LOL, I was about to post the same question the time I saw the new features of the new V6 of macrium reflect.
  24. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    It would be a big laugh, indeed. But until we see proof of that I will be a bit of a skeptic
  25. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    when i saw the picture from macrium the first thing i thought of was ax64...
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