Interesting links...

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by NewKidInTown, Dec 16, 2005.

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  1. NewKidInTown

    NewKidInTown Guest

  2. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I wonder how many average users are able to make the right choice between :
    "Accept - Feign - Reject - New filter - Unhook process - Kill process"
    in one of these Winpooch windows. :D
    If I would install these softwares at work, our phones of the computer department wouldn't stop ringing.

    Both softwares are toys for knowledgeable users, not exactly the softwares, I'm looking for. :)
  3. Starstruck

    Starstruck Guest

    I don't know Erik. Could you make the right choice?
  4. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    No, I can't and even when I had the knowledge, I still wouldn't recommend these softwares to less-knowledgeable users.
    Such softwares are doomed to be used by a small group of users.

    The average user would damage his own computer by making the wrong choices, including me.
    Is that security ? Security softwares are supposed to save your computer.

    The art of creating good security softwares is to hide its complexity behind the screens and make it easy on the frontside.
    That's the challenge and these softwares are always bestsellers. :)
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