Installation kills my internet connect

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by Lin Evans, Oct 9, 2005.

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  1. Lin Evans

    Lin Evans Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    When I install the program my broadband wireless internet connect can't find the internet - any suggestions? The other computer on the router works fine. When I unistall the program I can again connect....

  2. jayt

    jayt Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2004
    PA - USA
  3. webyourbusiness

    webyourbusiness Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Throughout the USA and Canada
  4. philip41

    philip41 Registered Member

    May 3, 2004
    Phew was i glad i stumbled across this thread tonight, for most of the afternoon i have struggled to get my Internet up and running.
    Luckily all it took for me was (after 3 reinstall attempts) not to enable Amon while installing, doing this allowed nod32 to update to the latest version, amon is now enabled and all is sweet.
  5. Lin Evans

    Lin Evans Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    Thanks to the support folks, my NOD32 is up and running beautifully. I've got to say that the support is the best I've seen and I've dealt with dozens of support calls and emails with anti-virus, spyware and such over the past few years.

    I originally purchased NOD32 after purchasing and returning Panda because it wouldn't run. It's quite probable that the reason was the same one why NOD32 wouldn't run, but I was not able to contact their support. It all started when AVG developed false positives for executable slideshows created with one of our favorite programs which we use commercially. Although I have been a paid subscriber with Grisoft since just after AVG beta, I had never needed support so didn't realize that they had absolutely no telephone. I emailed my issue but received back only an automated response stating that they could not find a record of my registeration. This was probably due to a change in email address over the years, but after attempting four times to get it corrected I gave up and called their U.S. distributor. The distributor was less than helpful and simply said I would have to "take it up" with Grisoft. I explained that I had tried to do exactly that but that I could not get through to them and asked whether the distributor could pass along my issue to them or call them. The distributor told me that they did all their business with Grisoft via email and that they had no telephone number for Grisoft.

    I was incredulous! Upon a tip from a web friend I ordered NOD32 and the service has been incredibly good.

    The problem with the installation turned out to be some vestige of Norton anti-virus left behind after the uninstall. I was sent links to a program which cleaned up the Symantic mess and a Winsock fix which did the rest.

    The program works perfectly now and NOD32 and Wilder have my vote and this good news will be passed along to the millions of people who read my posts on a number of international photography forums......

    Thanks guys....

  6. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Welcome to Wilder Lin.

    If you haven't already noticed there is a thread HERE on tweaking Nod32, as well as setting up automated scans and it discusses connection issues including Winsock.

    Hope this helps...

    Cheers :D
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