Incremental Backup Issue

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Shuffle, Sep 23, 2008.

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  1. Shuffle

    Shuffle Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
    Using Acronis True Image 10 ( XP Pro SP2 )
    Backup onto Verbatim DVD-RW

    1. Load DVD-RW into disc tray
    2. Select files to backup from HDD via TI wizard
    3. Click proceed, disc tray then ejects with following message:
    I00640003: Please insert the first media. Please insert a disc, then click OK when ready or click cancel to stop operation.
    4. I click OK, disc tray closes again, operation appears to start with progress @ 49%. Then after one minute disc ejects with following warning:

    W00040011: Please insert the last volume of the multi-volume backup archive. Please insert the last media of archive and click RETRY to continue.
    5. I close disc tray again, click retry and operation is completed successfully.

    I'm Only using the one DVD disc which has plenty of space and includes the original first archive.
    What is the problem here? How can I resolve this annoying issue?
    Thanks for any assistance.
  2. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Your best bet when you have your backup on opticals disks is to copy them to a hardisk and then do the restore from the hdisk. As you can see, with ATI, using even just one optical disk results in an undesirable amount of disk swapping.
  3. Shuffle

    Shuffle Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
    Hi Shieber, thanks for your reply although I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean.
    I am not doing any 'restore' function only backing up data at this stage.
    All my original work is done on HDD C:\partition, I do copy some important work into a backup folder on HDD D:\ partition but I wanted backups on optical disc in case of HDD failure.

    Do you know the cause of the error messages listed in my opening post?
  4. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    Does the same error happen with other media (DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW)?

    Do you have TI set to Validate automatically after the backup is created?

    Is the 49% on the backup progress bar (the top one) or the total progress bar (the bottom one)?
  5. Shuffle

    Shuffle Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007

    1. I dont know as I havent tried other media type
    2. Not sure about the validate function will need to check, do I find this option in 'tools' ?
    3. It is the bottom progress bar

  6. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    Tools >> Options >> Default backup options >> Additional settings, then check or uncheck (as desired) the Validate the backup archive upon its creation completion option.

    Is the top bar at 49% too, or is it close to 100%?
  7. Shuffle

    Shuffle Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
    Thanks Mudcrab

    I have left the "validate" option checked, however, below that was another option which was checked called:
    Ask for first media while creating backup archives on removable media

    I have UNchecked this option and believe it will solve one of my issues.
    I will have to get back to you regarding the progress bar when I next backup, maybe in a weeks time.

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