In UK Google Street View secretly took your wi-fi details...

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by Daveski17, Nov 27, 2011.

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  1. Daveski17

    Daveski17 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Google is facing renewed privacy concerns after it secretly mapped every single wireless internet connection in Britain – including those in millions of homes – to help it sell advertising and other services.

    Resistance is futile?

    OK, I admit this is from the Daily Mail.

    I love this reply from a bloke in Texas:

    "LOL. Given the Orwellian POLICE STATE that you guys seem so comfortable with, why should you care if Google picks up some data?"

    I bet money he lives in a fallout bunker or is a member of a survivalist group & has never been outside of the continental United States LOL!
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2011
  2. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Already Posted back in June 2010, inside this Thread. Thanks!
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