In Remembrance of You Marissia In remembrance of you my Special Friend Marissia. I light this candle in your name. May the peace and love of our Lord be with you and your precious babies forever and always. Your Big Special Friend Forever and Always Steve
Remembering you with love today, Sassy Girl. As I said at the post at Subratam's - I never had the honor of knowing you - but read every one of your posts - you touched my heart in the way only a very special person like you could - "dance with the angels", sassy! Love to all of Marissia's family and dear friends. "Sweetie" elsewhere - New girl here
I do miss exchanging PM's and jokes with Marissia. May you rest in peace
I can't come up with the words. May she be with us in memory for as long as Wilders remains. Bettlejuice, perhaps you can tell the newer members here just what a special lady she was. May it bring comfort to her family to know that she is not forgotten. As you know I usually sign off by saying thanks, well this one is going to be a little different. From the heart. Wildman
I can't post all that I would like to about Sassy, but I think the best way to answer this question is here. There is no way I can really add to what my wife BeetleBoss said, except to say that she was truly an angel here on earth.
Wildman If I may be so bold........ I first read about Sassy Girl here and then went onto Subratam's forum to read more. What I read touched me in a way I could never begin to explain - it is virtually impossible to put into words. Someone there asked "Who is Sassy"? The following is a reply I wrote.....I hope it is okay that I print it here........if not, please remove it. `````````````````````````````````````````````````` Posted June 15/2005 in reply to the question Who is Sassy? I too asked the question “Who is Sassy” when I first read about her on another forum - except I asked it to myself. Since arriving here - after Sassy’s sad departure - I have spent every spare moment reading - and sometimes re-reading all of her posts. In doing so, I laughed, I cried, I learned, I grew in spirit, I thanked God for having brought me to this forum and allowing me to know this child through the love she shared of herself . I believe that sometimes in our lives special spirits - many call them angels - walk among us. I think they are sent by God to touch our souls, comfort our hearts, broaden our spirits. Sassy was obviously such a spirit. There are two posts that have stayed with me the most. One is the post she wrote prior to having (I think) her first brain surgery. Here she is about to go off - as she puts it for a “little operation”- and her biggest concern was trying to tell each and everyone of her new special friends thank you for the love she had been shown. Instead of worrying about herself and what she was about to undergo - her compassion was to comfort all of them. What a lady! The second one was the post where she said she woke up this morning, the sun was shining, and it was time to move on and be happy . She asked someone to close the post where the devastating news of the death of her children had been posted as it was too sad for everyone to continue to read it. I am sure she did not do this for herself - once again, the feelings of all others was her primary concern. She did not wish for anyone to be unhappy - for any reason. How many among us can claim to be that selfless? Hayc59 is exactly correct - Take the time, make the effort to read each and every one of her posts. You will become a better person for having done so, this is guaranteed. I can only speak for myself - but I do know this. All the many millions of “self-help” books, cd’s , whatever, that are out there - are all a waste of money. You want to learn how to improve yourself, build better relationships, become a more caring, sensitive individual, develop compassion, a good sense of humor, learn to inter-act with other people, so on and so on - it is all right here - for free. Read Sassy’s posts! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` To all of you who have the privilege of knowing this wonderfully beautiful, special spirit my heart goes out to you. New girl (Sweetie on other forums)