Immunet 7.x Thread

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by guest, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Joxx

    Joxx Registered Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    @bellgamin is there a penalty in performance if Clam is enabled?
  2. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Yes. See HERE as well as other posts in the Immunet forum. However, a fairly modern computer should be able to handle it easily. Bear in mind, Immunet's main protection is provided real-time, via the Cloud. Clam is only used on-demand. My only point is this: there are several on-demand scanners that are better, faster, & lighter than Clam.

    I often use Immunet and post about it in this thread. However, I must add that Immunet is by NO means the *best* solution for everyone. There are better free AVs (examples: Avast, BitDefender, Avira) and there are MUCH better paid AVs (examples: HitmanPro-Alert, ESET, Norton/Symantec, Vipre, Kaspersky, McAfee, ).

    Immunet is good enough if & only if it is used as one part of a well-rounded security set-up such as:
    • Immunet*
    • Windows FW*
    • MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit*
    • NON-signature-based security app such as Voodoo Shield or SecureAPlus

    *Those apps marked with asterisk are free.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
  3. Surt

    Surt Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2019
    Cisco owns ClamAV, bought from Sourcefire (the NGIPS/NGFW, AMP and Snort folks) in 2013. No disrespect, I'll place Cisco's expertise over your four digit post count commentary.

    As for non-existent test data, many have long considered those tests a waste of the one and zero bits the results are published with. About 10 years back, ClamAV didn't do well in an AV-Test and ClamAV's street creds never recovered. The prejudice persists to this day as if Sourcefire were or Cisco's Talos Intelligence Group are a bunch of dopes, either of which had or have no capability in the continued advancement of the AV engine and the researching to push effective, current defs/sigs.

    The cited "performance penalty" thread in the Immunet forum (and everywhere else about anything else) is nothing more than the age-old typical whining and moaning evoked by Task Manager gurus who see them there huuuuuuuge memory metrics.

    "Norton Power Eraser, McAfee Stinger with Real Protect Behavior Blocker*, Trend Micro's Housecall, Adlice Diag"
    When offline, they all can ferret out the threat(s), running or not, without the most recent, as in today, sigs/defs?? I'd jump on that over, or in addition to, the EEK and ESET offline scanners I use. Please provide more details, perhaps in another thread as this has already gone somewhat off topic. And yes, criminal disconnection from the internet is rare, but the old adage "Never say never" is well advised in this context.

    "EEK's BitDefender sigs"
    If one checks
    on a regular basis, one will observe BD rarely goes more than 4 hours without an update. Ignore the v9, it's way to hard to rename that share point, no doubt. Since my #22 went previous-page (a death knell for forum discussions) I'll quote me here "When opened, [EEK] got the data from the last time it was used/updated." If offline, the data cannot be updated, including an update to EEK itself, if available.

    "part of a well-rounded security set-up...NON-signature-based security app"
    SpyShelter! And now a free version with the more important stuff of the paid version is out. But Premium at the least if yer serious.

    FYI for members and lurkers: it's long overlooked/ignored that "free" Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is BETA. Users are testers for the anti-exploit module in their premium product. Which is not to say, it don't rock; I do run MBAE Beta, having used MBAE (and its prior ZeroVulnerabilityLabs Exploit Shield) long before Malwarebytes stiffed me on buying two licenses.

    Though having MpCmdRun check for defs every four hours, giving MSE's AV, AS and NIS their best efficacy, replacement on my Win7 i7 3rd gen clunker with Immunet is approaching a sure-thing event.

    It'll remain on my Win10 E8400 test box until the Next Thing gets my interest.

    For me, end of discussion.

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019
  4. ChoiceVoice

    ChoiceVoice Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2013
    in the past, it would only disable if you clicked the download clamav for offline. otherwise it wouldn't. i am unsure of this latest version.
  5. guest

    guest Guest

    Immunet v7.2.8 Released (May 12, 2020)
    Download Installer:
    Changes in 7.2.8
    New & Enhancements:
    • Added support for the Windows 10 November 2019 Update (version 1909)
    • Added support for Windows 10 20H1 (Version 2004) (RTM Preview build: 19041)
    • Improved visibility and enhanced protection against script-based attacks
    • System Process Protection Improvements
    • Improved Malicious Activity Protection engine to no longer detect on Google Chrome
    • Stability Improvements in the Exploit Prevention engine
    • Installer improvements to handle NoReboot upgrades and uninstall
    • Stability Improvements in the Immunet SelfProtect driver
    Bug Fixes:
    • Resolved Windows Connector service freeze issue on startup, under certain circumstances
    • Improved the Windows connector process of gathering BIOS serial number, when needed, to properly detect hardware changes for registration with AMP Cloud
    • Fixed a crash that could be encountered on shutdown
    • Addressed issue where Windows Connector would fail to upgrade when installed alongside BitDefender AV
    • Made stability improvements in the Connector installer
    • Fixed an issue where ClamAV was taking a long time in scanning PDF files resulting into longer high CPU usage
    • Updated ClamAV to 0.102.1, including changes related to the vulnerability described in CVE-2019-15961
    • Fixed an Exploit Prevention engine issue that could cause Google Chrome v78 and later to crash or display a renderer code integrity error
    • This version also addresses the following vulnerabilities:
      • CVE-2019-1010305
      • CVE-2019-12625
      • CVE-2019-12900
  6. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Hmmmm............................. THE next great advancement in computer security, no doubt.

  7. guest

    guest Guest

    Immunet v7.3.12 Released (January 7, 2021)
    Download Installer:
    Changes in 7.3.12
    • Added support for the Windows 10 October 2020 update
    • Updated Exploit Prevention engine
    • Addressed crash that could occur when the Connector is attempting to shut down
    • Addressed a local privilege escalation vulnerability
    • Improved endpoint threat activity detection engine capabilities
  8. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    The latest version is now designed to run alongside your primary AV rather than being a replacement for it. A good move on the part of Cisco.
  9. Stelica

    Stelica Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Immunet can't works with Windows Defender in Windows 10. Other companion antivirus such as malwarebytes has an option in the settings "integrate into Windows Security Center". If you set to "no", it doesn't integrate and therefore doesn't disable Defender, allowing you to run the two in tandem. Immunet doesn't include this feature, which means in Windows 10 it will automatically disable Defender. Many users demanded to find a similar solution, but they have ignored these requests!
  10. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Anti-malware products don't integrate into Windows Security Center. They shouldn't disable the primary AV, whether that's Windows Defender or a third party AV. That's the whole point of running them. They're meant to be compatible with whatever AV you currently run. If its like what you mention, Immunet should be an AV and stop misleading users about compatibility with other security software.
  11. Stelica

    Stelica Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Immunet is not anti-malware. It can works with other antivirus such as Avast, Panda, Avira, etc. but not with Windows Defender. You can try if you want. In windows 10, defender is integrated in windows unlike other antiviruses . When you install Immunet it will automatically disable defender.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
  12. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    I expect that with Immunet being an AV. You should really run only one at a time and when you install it, it automatically disables WD and sets itself up as the primary AV.
  13. Stelica

    Stelica Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Yes, it is correct!
  14. bjm_

    bjm_ Registered Member

    May 22, 2009
    Immunet FAQs read very dated?
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
  15. Stelica

    Stelica Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2014
  16. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Inexcusable a big company like Cisco can't be bothered to bring the FAQ product page up to date.
  17. Stelica

    Stelica Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Changes in 7.3.12


    • Added support for the Windows 10 October 2020 update
    • Updated Exploit Prevention engine
    Why Windows 10 october 2020? Many users have 21H1 or Windows 11!
    I hope I was not misunderstood! Immunet works with Windows 10 but without Microsoft Defender.
  18. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    It should work with Windows 11, which at its core is essentially Windows 10, with this new update.
  19. guest

    guest Guest

    In the meantime it has reached version 7.4.4 (July 22, 2021)

    Download Installer:

    Announcements + Release Notes since 7.3.12:
    Changes in 7.4.4:
    • The Behavioral Protection engine can now detect command line spoofing
    • Updated ClamAV to 0.103.2
    There have been several forum members reporting that there exists a possible conflict between Server 2016, Excel & Immunet. More info can be found at this Support Issues/Defects topic.

    7.4.2 is being released using our new ImmunetUnifiedConnector service ensuring we are able to push critical updates in a timely manner.
    • Made performance and stability improvements to the Exploit Prevention engine.
    • Address compatibility issues with third party applications

    Changes in 7.4.0
    • The Connector files will only be signed with a SHA-2 certificate and no longer be signed with a SHA-1 certificate starting with this release.
    • Behavioral Protection now monitors processes making outgoing HTTP calls for malicious activity.
    • New ImmunetUnifiedConnector service that allows critical Immunet updates to be pushed to users.

    • Made performance and stability improvements to the Exploit Prevention engine.
    • Improved the stability of the Device Flow Correlation engine and driver.
    • Addressed a potential hang on Connector shutdown.
    • Addressed an issue where in rare cases the Behavioral Protection engine could cause a blue screen.
    • The Behavioral Protection engine now properly monitors file deletes on FAT32 file systems.
    • Improved quarantine process for files that are signed with both a SHA-1 and SHA-2 certificate.
    • Addressed an issue where the Orbital service could start while disabled in policy.
  20. guest

    guest Guest

    Immunet 7.5.0 Released (November 19, 2021)
    Download Installer:
    Changes in 7.5.0

    Exploit Prevention Engine improved to provide protection for
    • Network Drives
    • Remote Processes
    • AppControl bypass through rundll32
    • UAC bypass
    • Browser Mimikatz vaults credential theft
    • Shadow copy deletion
    • SAM Hashes
    • Fix for a potential BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death)
  21. BoerenkoolMetWorst

    BoerenkoolMetWorst Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Outer space
    It's been a while since I last used Immunet, probably that was v4/v5. I see they have since added Advanced Threat Prevention, System Process Protection, Malicious Activity Protection(anti ransomware), Exploit Prevention Engine, Orbital, Credo ML engine, ScriptID, "New endpoint threat activity detection engine", and they also mention a Behavior Protection Engine which I have not seen as a new feature in the changelogs, so it may be the same as one of the other features with a special name.
    The GUI however is still exactly the same, not that that is a problem, I am not a fan of forced new GUI just for the point of having something new. I mean EXACTLY the same however, including the Settings menu. All these new features haven't been added to the settings menu. I find that rather strange.
    Their processes also don't use CFG and the bundled OpenSSL files are from a still supported branch (1.1.1), but they are still on 1.1.1d released 2 years ago, quite a few security updates have been released for 1.1.1 since.
  22. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Hmmm.... suspicious situation. Have you posted this info on Immunet's forum &/or sent it to their tech support people?
  23. BoerenkoolMetWorst

    BoerenkoolMetWorst Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Outer space
    I didn't so far but just posted it on their forum.
  24. guest

    guest Guest

    Immunet 7.5.8 Released (August 25, 2022)
    Download Installer:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2022
  25. guest

    guest Guest

    Changelog + Announcement now available.
    Changes in 7.5.8
    • Exploit Prevention
      • Protect processes running from network drives
      • Protect processes running remotely
      • Prevent AppControl bypass through rundll32
      • Prevent Windows User Account Control bypass
      • Protect against credential theft from Internet Explorer and Edge by Mimikatz
      • Detect shadow copy deletion
      • Protect against SAM hash credential theft by Mimikatz
      • Protect previously running processes
      • Fixed exploit prevention compatibility issues with McAfee
      • General Performance Improvements
      • Chrome Credential protection
      • AMSI bypass protection
    • Exclusions
      • The connector now supports wildcards (‘*’) in Process Exclusions. This wildcard will not expand beyond path separators
      • Exclusion performance enhancements.
    • Miscellaneous
      • Addressed an issue with malicious Ethos file detections not being quarantined if seen more than once
      • Addressed a race condition that may end in BSOD when the driver verifier was used in conjunction with the connector
      • Implemented scan optimization in script protection scanning by using the caching mechanism for unknown disposition
      • New capability to send additional Microsoft Windows update build revision information to improve risk-based OS vulnerability interference capability
      • Improved the uninstall process of the connector
      • Added support for the BypassIO feature in Windows 11
      • This version is the last to support legacy operating systems such as Windows 7 and 8, Server 2012, and all 32-bit versions of Windows.
    • Exploit Prevention
      • General performance and stability improvements for the exploit prevention engine
      • Fixed exploit prevention engine compatibility issues with Zoom
      • Fixed a bug that caused Outlook to crash when exploit prevention was enabled
      • Addressed an issue where clients were experiencing a blue screen on Windows Server 2012 with the exploit prevention driver when upgrading to 7.5.1. (CSCwa59221)
      • Addressed an issue that caused exploit prevention to fail to after a connector upgrade. (CSCvz83877)
      • Improved exploit prevention engine for:
      • Script control functionality (wmi detection in plugins/macros)
      • Atom bombing protection mechanism
      • User access control bypass mechanism (false positive reduction)
      • Handling a potential crash in Windows 7
    • Behavioural Protection
      • Script protection has been enhanced to use the same core detection engine as behavioural protection to be able to detect fileless malware attacks using a signature-based mechanism
      • Behavioral protection engine improved to be able to match activity on the endpoint that occurs in a specific order
      • Behavioral Protection engine updated to be able to detect command line argument spoofing
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