Image Restoration Question

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by rwinegar, Jun 21, 2008.

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  1. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    Will TI version 11 restore an image created by version 8?

    I have a delima. I am currently running TI version 8. I want to install version 11. If I uninstall version 8 prior to installing version 11 and, for some reason, need to restore back to version 8 can I do it? Remember that the program that created the image no longer exists.

    I am so used to bad installs, installs I don't like, etc,. Normally when that happens I simply restore an image and all the bad stuff goes away. We've all done that. But when the program that is being uninstalled/installed is the same program that is required to restore the image, a number of problems can arise.

  2. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    One of the first things to do with any True Image version is to create the bootable Rescue CD which enables you to Recover (and make Backups or Clones) without having the software installed on the hard drive.
  3. GroverH

    GroverH Registered Member

    May 10, 2006
    Massachusetts, USA
    I second the notion that DwnNdrty suggested. You have version 8 installed. One of the first things to do after installing any version is to create the TI Rescue CD. If you have not done so, do it now and test to see if it is working. Most likely, Version 11 will be of no help in restoring a V8 backup archive--but I have not tested it.
    (items in blue added later by editing)

    Link on creating a Rescue CD.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  4. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    Are you saying use the version 8 rescue disc even after version 8 is uninstalled? Will this allow me to restore a version 8 backup archive even after version 8 is uninstalled?
  5. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    Yes, the bootable Rescue cd has the basic Backup, Recovery and Clone functions on it. Just be sure the Rescue cd will see the drive, or media, where you have the Backup Image.
  6. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    Thanks for your help guys. I appreciate it.
  7. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    Hi Grover,

    Have you confirmed that TI 11 won't restore a TI 8 backup image? It does restore TI 9 as far as I know.
  8. GroverH

    GroverH Registered Member

    May 10, 2006
    Massachusetts, USA
    No, I have not confirmed whether it will or will not. I do not have either V11 or V8 to test. My basis for such a statement is the info provided by Acronis about restoring only one version back. I should edit my statement to be less authoratative. Thanks for pointing it out.
  9. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    I was just hoping someone had really tested this.

    I have TI 11 on my notebook, and I have backup images made with TI 8.937 on other computers on my network and on a USB drive. I can verify the old images in TI 11, so I think it would restore them successfully.

    I haven't tried a restore since it would involve some effort (all of 10 minutes to boot from the TI 11 CD and do a restore), but you know how valuable time is. :) I was hoping someone else had done it.
  10. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    I wish someone who has the capability could test whether version 11 can restore a version 8 image. The delima here is that by restoring the version 8 image, version 11 would no longer exist.
  11. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    Okay, hold on .... I'll see if I can twist my neighbour's arm to do this. Might not be until tomorrow though before I'll know. I don't understand, though, why your ver 11 will not exist after restoring ver 8 image. Don't you have the ver 11 installation file - in a safe place?
  12. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    I caught my neighbour on a good day ... he did the test ... the results are in ...... and the answer is a resounding YES. Ver 11 will restore an Image made with ver 8. He used build 937 of ver 8 and build 8027 (I think - I know he said it wasn't the latest build) of ver 11. :thumb: :thumb:
  13. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    That is very useful information. Thanks! I have some older images made with v.8, and was wondering if I would need to maintain v.8 to gain access to them.

    I just tried two further tests: using ATI 11 build 8,053, I was able to Explore and to Mount images that were created with ATI 8, and also to Validate them.

    These tests were using the installed Windows ATI 11. I haven't tried with the ATI 11 Recovery CD.
  14. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    I should have added that he did those tests with the standard bootable Rescue CD. So why not make yourself a ver. 8 Rescue cd - if you haven't already done so - that way you can always restore a version 8 Image with it IF for some reason ver. 11 refuses to restore it.
  15. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    Agreed, that's exactly what I've done.
  16. rwinegar

    rwinegar Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2004
    Assume version 8 in uninstalled and version 11 is installed. Also assume an image of the hard drive was made before version 8 was uninstalled and is stored on a second hard drive. Now if version 11 is used to restore that hard drive image, the hard drive will be restored to the same state it was in when it was imaged using version 8. As such, version 8 will be restored and version 11 will no longer exist. Isn't that the whole purpose of TI and haven't we all used it for that purpose? To undo the installation of a program?
  17. DwnNdrty

    DwnNdrty Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2007
    Florida - USA
    That's true ... whichever version you want to use, just keep that one installed on the drive. In any case, as I stated above, just make the bootable CD for each version and you'll have the basic capabilities of both versions. But keep your installation files for both versions in a safe place so you can re-instal either one if necessary.
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