I'm still trying to figure this program out

Discussion in 'Paragon Drive Backup Product Line' started by Nikilet, Nov 26, 2011.

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  1. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    What do I need for bootable media for this program (Paragon Backup & Recovery 10 Home)? I made a CD when I first purchased and installed, but I don't remember how I did it. It seems it had something to do with ISO. Now I wanted to remake another just to make sure I have one that will work since I do not understand this program -- much!

    I did go ahead and use "Typical" and created a CD.

    Gosh! Can anyone help me, ever, with this program? :'( I am so sorry I ever purchased Paragon because I don't understand it well enough to be using it. This is a program for someone who has a thorough technical understanding and there should be WARNINGS that this is not for anyone who doesn't.
  2. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    If your Paragon program was purchased there will be a download of the WinPE ISO avaiable for you in your account. They do upgrade from time to time. In order to install a upgrade you must first uninstall your older version first or it will error out.
  3. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    This is a topic that used to come up from time to time on the Acronis True Image forum, "Who is this program intended for?". Naturally, if you understand a lot of the stuff about disk structure with MBRs, partitions, active partitions etc then it isn't so daunting. If you don't then very little will make sense. Unfortunately, many computer users these days are strictly in the "find or store the applications data file in the place it defaulted to" camp. They don't even know what a folder is and if you mention using Windows Explorer to manipulate files they don't know what it is. This isn't all bad, after all, do you need to know how the automatic transmission in your car works to drive it? It does make using a program like Paragon another dimension though.

    Supposedly Acronis redesigned their user interface so it would be easier to use by less knowlegable people. They also automated things such as a validity check so archives would be checked on a schedule presumably so it an old archive went bad for any reason the user would know about it. I don't know how the less knowlegeable users were with the interface but it was enough to drive me away from the program. The automated checking would turn on and if you wanted to shut the machine down you had to wait until it finished which was another PITA.

    The other approach is Windows 7 backup. It works but you have zero control on what it is going to do. No differentials, incrementals, verification.

    My only advice is that to understand the program requires reading the user-guide, at least the intro and relevant parts. You don't have to read all the stuff on virtual machine capability to do a simple backup and restore. You also have to run the program a few times and do actual restores to a spare HD so you don't screw up your good one. You have to make some notes when you figure out how to properly do something that wasn't obvious so you remember the next time.

    Ask questions on this forum if you don't understand something.
  4. rdgrimes

    rdgrimes Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    You can create a boot CD from within the program, pretty simple. Look for "Recovery Media Builder".
  5. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Uninstall my older version of what? Here again, I think it is assumed I know more than I do. I am not a complete idiot, but I don't know what you mean here.

  6. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    The following is based on a lot of time with True Image but the same basic concepts apply to most of these programs.

    Problem 1: Verifys are done within Windows and all is well. I need to restore my HD and it doesn't work. Common Cause: The restoration is done by the Linux recovery environment and the Linux has problems with the hardware configuration. Solution: Boot up the Linux recovery environment and do a test restore. If you can't do a test restore to a spare HD the next best thing is to do a verfication using the recovery environment which demonstrates the archive can be located, read into RAM and the numerous checksums can be successfully recreated. If you have the paid version of Paragon B&R or HDM you have the WinPE recovery environment available which is Windows based and tends to be more reliable with its better hardware support. (I found the verify from the boot CD did not work properly in B&R 10 Home, it returned instantly without reading the archive at all so my method is useless in that version.)

    Problem 2: The archive validated OK when created but when I need it, it was corrupt. Causes: Hardware problem. Bad RAM will cause a failure the disk or DVD storing the archive may have developed a bad sector (marginal magnetization or poor optical spot, OK at first but then goes bad). Solution: Always have more than one backup; if you are using an external fill it with archives and only delete when you are getting near the full mark. Ideally, you will have at least 2 drives and rotate them. Some people like DVDs, I am not among them but chose whatever you want.

    Sorry, but doing a test of your restoration mechanism to see if you can get your data back is always part of the process. Until you know for sure you can restore you have only done half the job and you should have no confidence it will work when you need it.

    Where I used to work, the data center people used to do testing on new backup program versions and when they first put it into service they would run it in parallel with existing backup program until they were confident it was working correctly.

    I agree the Paragon manual could be better organized. There is a lot of material that could use clarifying detail included.
  7. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    When Paragon releases a new update, it a complete program not just a patch update that just adds code to the exsisting program. If you try to install a new version with the older version installed, it will generate an error when installing. I can't think of any other program that I have that works like this when it comes to updates.
  8. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Maybe I am just a strange duck, but I'd really like to know how many average home users have an extra hard drive on hand so they can test out programs like Paragon to make sure they work. Forgive me, but the way I see it is that this is the job of computer technicians and before these programs are released to the public for sale (or use) they'd better make darn sure they work. It is not up to me to purchase extra hard drives so I can test these programs I buy.
  9. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Most non-techie users only backup files and folders and these are easily restored to see if they are working. Unfortunately, when dealing with images one of the first restoration steps is to delete the existing partition where the archive is going to be restored. If the restore fails for any reason then you are left with unallocated space and no bootable system.

    Given the vast array of products from various vendors that go into a PC these days it is impossible for a company to test every possible configuration.

    The next best thing to a test restore for an image is to boot up your recovery media and do a verification of the archive with it. This will demonstrate that you can access the archive on the backup device and read it into RAM and successfully recreate the checksums. You can then for good measure run through the restore wizard up to the point where you actually give the command to do the restore. This will test that you can see the source, target and options for the restore.

    One of the areas that is problematic is the Linux environment provided as part of the Paragon program file. This problem is not exclusive to Paragon but to all the products that use a Linux recovery environment.

    The Linux drivers may not be a good fit for your hardware and if you haven't done any tests you won't know this until you need it. Fortunately, if you have a paid version of Paragon you get to download a WinPE recovery iso and burn it to CD or a flash drive. WinPE is based on Windows and there is a higher probabliliy that it will support your hardware better and it also gives you the option to load any needed drivers that aren't present in the stock configuration.

    The odds are definitely in your favor the program will successfully restore but there is only one way to be certain.
  10. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    I do have the paid version of Paragon Backup & Recovery, but when I logged into my account to get the WinPE builder the following is what I got:

    You cannot buy Online WinPE Builder Service.
    It is only available for owners of Professional, Workstation and Server Editions of the following products:
    Paragon Drive Backup
    Paragon Backup & Recovery (Suite Edition only)
    Paragon Hard Disk Manager
    Paragon Partition Manager
    Paragon Rescue Kit

    Is this right?
  11. cincinnatijack

    cincinnatijack Registered Member

    Jul 3, 2010
    You don't need to use the WinPE builder for recovering from Paragon Backup & Recovery, it should be available for download in the My Downloads of your account with Paragon, it is names something like "Paragon Backup & Recovery XX.X - WinPE based Recovery CD Image (English), it is ISO file that will burn directly to a blank CD.
  12. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    No, that is if you want to have a custom WinPE built. For example, you need a special driver and don't want to load it each time so they will make one for you containing the driver.

    Go to view registered products. Go to the download link on the right side of your product listing. When you click the download link it will open a My Downloads window showing your products including the WinPE executable. Run the executable and follow the instructions.

  13. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Ok! :thumb: I found it.

    Now, let's see if I understand anything I've read here. If I upgrade, I have to uninstall what I have now and then reinstall the upgrade, and then I will also have to upgrade the WinPE based recovery CD.

    Is this correct?
  14. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    I defer to the more experienced Paragon users who recommend uninstalling before upgrading.

    When you get a "new" version you have to make a new recovery CD from the program because it may contain the improvements present in the new Windows version. Making a new WinPE CD would also be required for the same reason.

    Sometimes the newer version will write a different format for the archive and the older version will not understand it. Normally the newer version will be able to read the archives created by the older versions. I don't know how well Paragon does in this regard.

    It isn't a bad idea to keep recovery CDs with the versions marked on them just in case you have to refer to them in the future.

    I hate to mention this, but with a new version you should repeat whatever you did to convince yourself it will backup and restore your PC.
  15. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    Yes it is.
  16. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    The last few times I used RW's for that.
  17. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    I can't seem to burn this WinPE.

    I tried doing it through Roxio but when I have to browse to select the WinPE file, it doesn't appear on my desktop. Every other file on the desktop appears and can be selected, but the WinPE file I downloaded does not appear when I use the browse button.

    I clicked on Manage Attachments below to post a screenshot and it appears to be active but nothing opens up so that I can attach.
  18. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    I finally got Manage Attachments open. When I browsed from here that WinPE file was on the desktop, but wouldn't show up when I browsed in Roxio. What is going on here?

    Could something to do with mouse/keyboard be causing this stuff?

    Attached Files:

  19. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    It finally appears to have worked by just opening the WinPE file on my desktop and going through the steps. Three times previously I got that screen I posted. This time I used a CD-RW instead of a CD-R and it worked. What difference would that make.

    Roxio would have made things real simple, but I wish someone could explain to me why, when I used it's browse button to locate the WinPE file on my desktop that file did not appear. But when I browsed here to find and attach my screenshot it showed up.

    I'm so puzzled I don't know which end is up.
  20. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    I think I get it now. When used the "browse" in Roxio, no .exe files show up.

    My mouse does not seem to be making good contact or something. I don't know what has happened but something is wrong. Can anyone tell me the best place to go to get some help with this? Is there any way one can run a test on keyboard, mouse? This Logitech wireless set isn't that old, not even a year. It was working fine.

    Just now, I had a window open and it took 6 clicks before it would close.

    I don't think much of the Logitech support station; don't know if it would do much good to go there or not.

    Suggestions would be welcome.
  21. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2003
    Kent. UK by the sea
    Have you tried checking the battery's? :rolleyes:

    Take Care
    TheQuest :cool:
  22. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Yes, they are good.
  23. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    That's a self executing file, no need for Roxio, you just double-click it.
  24. Nikilet

    Nikilet Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2004
    Yes, that is what I started out doing but when it reached a certain point it would not burn to the CD I had in. I kept getting the error box I attached by screenshot. (Can not complete the unpack and burn wizard) I went through 3 new CD-R cd's. Then I switched to a CD-RW and it worked. I don't understand why.

    I have two drives: DVD/CD-RW (TSSTcorp CDRWDVD TS-H493A)
    and DVD RW Drive (Philips DVD+-RW DVD8881)

    I tried both several times. I haven't used these drives very much. But I have used them in the past and didn't have any trouble.

    One time, I was reading about how unsafe AutoPlay is. I came across this file that you save to your desktop, click on and select to merge and it shuts down AutoPlay. Maybe I messed something up when I did that, altho it looks to me like you can just go to Control Panel/AutoPlay an turn it back on. But maybe once you've used this file, which I assume changes the registry, it's not that simple.
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