I'm getting redirected to another webpage

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by Pericles, Dec 22, 2005.

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  1. Pericles

    Pericles Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Sometimes when I go to a site (whether google, Wilders, or whatever), I get redirected to some weird Chinese page. Bare in mind that I am currently living in China. Is this the Chinese internet censors' means to tracking users' surfing habits? If so, how can I circumvent this annoyance and infringement on my privacy?

    Please advise.

  2. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    maybe you could try running Pingplotter the free download is at the bottom of the page. put the address of the redirected page into it and see where pingplotter shows you are taken. i think that should work. although, maybe you are infected with something o_O have you tried a malware scan?

    you can use JAP to hide where you go, it's an anonymous proxy.
  3. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

  4. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

  5. securityx

    securityx Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    The Great Firewall of China.
  6. Pericles

    Pericles Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Would adding the redirected address to a HOSTS file serve my purposes?

  7. Pericles

    Pericles Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    This is the address btw:

    I tried using that pingplotter prog, but it didn't make any sense to me.

  8. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    I'm not familiar with how the Chinese gov't interact's with interior ISP's, but here's the information on that addy. Having had difficulty working with PingPlotter, perhap's an understanding of Netstat and DNS are what's in order.

  9. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    Eric's site may also be of service to you Pericles. ;)

  10. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Chinese rules in regard to the internet usage are very strict. Although many may well disagree with Chinese Law in this respect, bottom line in principal is: act according to the laws from the country one is living in - wether it is China or any other country for that matter.

    Please bear in mind (trying to) circumvent Chinese law in this particular case may well have very unpleasant consequenses for you, as a result from braking Chinese law.

    In this context, I would advice you to withold from circumventing the law - from a legal aspect, and for sure because of the very unpleasant possible consequences.


  11. Global Force

    Global Force Guest

    "Act according to the laws from the country one is living in ...."

    Good point to bear in mind Paul. I'll view that as what it is, local jurisdiction TRUMPS!

  12. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    yes it's best not to break the law if you don't fully understand what you are doing, or perhaps best not to break the law at all.

    however, i think this might be a legal way around if you can still do it. do your searches with google backwards that way they can't filter your requests. lol you just have to use a mirror to read everything.

  13. fanqi

    fanqi Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2006
    Hello, I'm a Chinese living in Harbin.
    My English is very poor. I hope you can know what I say.

    I got the page ,too.
    The page said "Merry Christmas"(before Dec 26th)
    Now the new page make some advertising for CNC.

    I phoned CNC (ChinaNetCom ,my ISP) to cancel this action, but they reply :"It's a new Ads Service powered by us . It's absolutely impossible to cancel . Sue anywhere ! "

    Anywhere means not any place, I think.

    I have no choise .There is only CNC lines to Internet in my quarter .:(


    I think the Gateway forward my DSL Modem redirect that page.
    (like this

    HOSTS file can't block this ads. it's IP, not domain name.

    I try to use IPSec rules to block this IP. But it's not work well : "IE cannot link the page" instead the ads.

    I search "" in google , but not helpful. Only link to this forum.
  14. AvianFlux

    AvianFlux Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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