Hi, I am using SecurityKiss as VPN. But when I browse with it my norton dns does not work. So I'm confused, I will not get the wonderful web filter and protection of norton connectsafe while I use a securitykiss to protect my privacy. Any suggestions, assurance or advice?
That's how it should work (using the VPN provider's DNS servers). If you signed up for Norton DNS using your true name, you're lucky that it did work that way If Norton knows your true name, and if SecurityKiss uses your Norton DNS server(s), your surfing through the VPN is linked to you, rendering the VPN useless. If you want to use Norton DNS with SecurityKiss, create an account using the VPN, and be creative about the name and contact information. You'll at least need to create a pseudonymous email account.
mirimir's advice is solid--but probably better suited for someone who wants total anonymity. In your case, you're probably better off just manually changing the DNS settings in the VPN's virtual network adapter to use Norton DNS. In Windows, find your Local Area Connection settings for the TAP-Win32 Adapter (virtual network adapter), right-click > Properties, and then go to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) > Properties, and set the DNS addresses there accordingly.
Why would he want to use Norton DNS at all with an anonymous VPN if the Norton DNS account is associated with his real identity? He shouldn't use Norton DNS at all. By doing so it has the same effect as a DNS leak except he is doing it on purpose not understanding the end result. He could set up another DNS account with a service that supports creating an anonymous DNS account or he could just use the DNS servers of his anonymous VPN.
I did not sign up for Norton DNS. I just change my preferred and alternate dns server addresses. Thank you for your assurance. I think I'll be using vpn as it is. Thank you for your advice and assurance. I will not change anything then and allow everything as it is. I'll use my vpn the way I wished for when paying for it. Oh I see. I understand now. I'll let things as it is and be anonymous.