Hello guys, I've been having much work on my hands lately and therefore I've not had much time at Wilders' recently. I would like to: 1)Apologise to all whose birthdays I missed (sorry guys, I hope you had a great birthday) 2)Congratulate all who added a thousand more to their count of informative and fun posts 3)Say sorry to BeetleBoss for missing her birthday and not even wishing her for the same. I may update this thread with a few narrations on anything I like, maybe post some pics, etc. I hope you'll like it. FC
Hey Buddy!!http://users.telenet.be/honeybee1/zonnen.gif Long time no type! http://bestsmileys.com/waving/5.gif Don't worry about forgetting your good friend on her B-day. I know, the surprise is in the mail!! http://bestsmileys.com/gift/2.gif You DID mail me a B-Day gift, right! http://bestsmileys.com/anxious/4.gif I'm just teasin' ya, buddy. You focus on your schooling...and pop back in when you can http://img118.exs.cx/img118/1691/hug8ok.gif
I ditto and concur with all previous remarks. Don't stay away so long, I get nervous when people don't post for extended periods of time (hell let me be truthful, I get worried). Thanks Wildman
Good to see you Firecat. I agree with the other posts.....keep on studying. We need you to become a rich, powerful computer magnate, so you can hire us all, for large sums of money to do nothing. This way we can all live in a lifestyle we would like to get acustomed to
Hey there Firecat, welcome back here It seems be both lack big time to post here Anyway, see you around, and good luck with everything.