If anyone of you uses Kaspersky 4.0 does it slow down your system?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by test, Jan 23, 2003.

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  1. test

    test Guest

    If you are on WinXP and are using KAV 4.0 PRO (etc) does it slow down your system? And if yes by how much? What is the memory (resources) usage of the real time scanner?

    Is it a bloatware or is it ok?

    I know that 3.5 on WinXP completelly brought it to it's knees but than again 3.5 was not xp certified.

    Thank You
  2. RaLX

    RaLX Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    I tested and unistalled it because it slowed down my WinXP so much, compared with Norton, PC-Cillin and others.
  3. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Yes its bloatware compare to 3.5 version. It consumes rather a large amount of memory and CPU.

    look here: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=5077

    look here: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=1141

  4. test

    test Guest

    Shoot I am a registered user I just don't feel like re-entering my password and user name everytime I visit the site. (The cache, cookies and history are ghosted everytime I shut down IE).

    Well then from my understanding if I use the KAV as just an ON-Demand scanner then there should be no resource use prior ON-Demand activation? Or does it use some resources like for example Norton 2003, even if the Norton AV is not running it still uses resources albeit not as much as when it's running.

    During KAV installation I checked off the REalTime scanner but I left the Script scanner, does Script Scanner loads into resident memory? or can it be used on demand (shell integration)?
    Thank You
  5. test

    test Guest

    Oops I forgot,
    What is the best installation option if I want to use the AVP as an shell integrated on-demand scanner?
  6. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    KAV 4 on Demand(shell integrated ) installation:

    1. Choose custom installation

    2. check next components:
    - virus database (grayed out)
    - core component (grayed out)
    - update component
    - KAV scanner components

  7. grey_ghost

    grey_ghost Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002

    I have been running Kav4 full install for several months. Updated from ver.3.5.

    Have not noticed any slow down problems.

    Run WinXPpro 512MB pc2700.

  8. steve

    steve Security Expert

    Sep 24, 2002
    I use KAV 4 only for on demand. It brings my system to its knees when I enable the realtime scanning. WinXP Pro 1GB ram and 3GHz P4.
  9. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Its really too bad that Kaspersky can't get their act together with a version for XP. I don't have XP, but It seems the best thing to do for those that have the problem with resource usage to only install the scanner and updater, as has been mentioned.
    I use AVP 3.5 for my backup scanner and DrWeb for resident. Cost a little more, but I sure feel protected.
    Maybe if enough people let Kaspersky know how unhappy they are, they may do something about it.
    Maybe they're trying and can't fix it. :rolleyes:
  10. SpaceCowboy

    SpaceCowboy Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    i use KAV 4.0 with XP on a P3 550Mhz with 384 of ram.
    it is not a very powerful system but KAV works fine on my machine. i used to use Nortons antivirus 2001 and 2002 and notice no less difference in performance using KAV 4.0.
    if you look at the pic, you have to have the boxes that are highlighted in yellow unchecked for the realtime monitor not to slow down your system. when you try to check those boxes KAV gives you a warning(pic posted in thread below)that having this option checked will slow down your system. you are still protected without these checked. you could open an infected ZIP file and view whats inside without the monitor warning you of anything but as soon as you tried to run the infected file or exe, then you would get a warning from the realtime monitor.
    these P4's with lots of ram using XP should have no problems at all using KAV 4.0..

    Attached Files:

  11. SpaceCowboy

    SpaceCowboy Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    this is the warning that KAV gives you when trying to check one of those boxes.

    Attached Files:

  12. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    I only use Kaspersky as a backup scanner as even with a Pentium 4 and 512mB memory, with the monitor running it was like wading through treacle(Win XP Pro). I now only run it as an on demand scanner and only installed the scanner, the updater, the MailChecker and the scriptchecker.

    As reported above and in a previous thread this problem has been reported by many people. The AVP 3.5 version is still the lean, very quick version to go for if you want constant background scanning as it has a very small imprint on your system. It can be obtained from kaspersky's swiss site.

    I doubt whether Kaspersky will do anything about the resource problem as its support I have found to be very poor. They have a so called support site for customers but no one from Kaspersky answers any queries. Check out their forum as people with quite serious problems are still waiting a response months after the initial query.

    Kaspersky AntiVirus is an excellent AntiVirus/Trojan Detector but they do have a resource problem with the KAV Monitor running. Technodrome in a previous post stated that it can take up to 55mB of memory with everything running!!!!!
  13. BobG

    BobG Guest

    Using Win 98se, amd xp1600 and 256 Mb I never had a problem with Kaspersky 4 pro and Anti-hacker.
    A few weeks ago I switched to XP+sp1 it was all problems. Freezing at startup and with Internet and Windows Explorer. Disabled Inspector and Office Guard and more, kept having problems, lot of reboots. Also Startman showed that Anti-hacker was an orphaned installation and couldn't deinstall Anti-Hacker normally.
    I switched to RAV, is fast and doesn't ruin my e-mail database and agent when a virus is found.
    Behind my hardware firewall I use TPF4, so far without problems.
  14. muf

    muf Guest

    Well i use KAV4 and had the monitor set to scan all files. I changed this to scan all infectable, i also only enable the plain mail in scan compound files. After i did this it was much better. I was also using zone Alarm Free as my firewall but since i changed to Kerio my system has been much faster. I have a feeling that if you use KAV4 with all files scanned and the compond files all ticked and add to that a resource hogging firewall then even a 3ghz p4 with 1gb ram will get pushed to its knee's and severly beaten. Just tweak your settings and get a firewall with a small footprint and all should be ok.

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