IE 6.0 SP1 Crash

Discussion in 'Port Explorer' started by Frank, Jan 8, 2003.

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  1. Frank

    Frank Guest


    I told Jason the following problem - perhaps it is a special problem
    of my system but possibly anyone had the same and a hint / solution
    for me :
    OS: WIN2k ServicePack 3
    Browser: IE 6.0 SP1
    Tiny Personal Firewall 4.0

    Installing PortExplorer 1.30 (latest (full)version properly
    PortExplorer is running without any problem.
    Starting IE I got an error-message that there is a browser-problem
    (kernel32) which should be send to Microsoft.

    It is not possible to start IE anyway.
    De-installing PortExplorer "helps" : IE runs as before.
    Has anyone an idea how to solve this **** problem ?

    I am not interested to send Microsoft any data -
    of course I have a licensed version of WIN2000 Prof. but as you
    You have no control what is being transmitted.
    Thanks for a help.

  2. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Frank,
    I have PE working on my dual boot pc with both XP pro SP1 & W2K SP3 with IE SP1 and have no problems.
    I am not familiar with Tiny 4 Firewall but if it it the one that includes Tiny's Trojan Trap technology then I would be looking to disable it completely before installing any other software.
    The other thing - simpler - would be to do a repair install of IE as I know some folks have had problems with the SP1 update. Disable evryting AV, AT, WG, FW etc before repairing or re-installing.

    Also, have you another browser you could try such as Opera or Mozilla? This may help with fault finding by elimination :)

    Only guessing, hope Jason has a solution also - Pilli
  3. Hank

    Hank Registered Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    good old europe
    Hi Pilli,

    everything was disabled during the installation,and PE is (on the surface)
    not involved - PE runs.
    But with PE the IE does not run.Unfortunately I have some paid programs
    which only work with IE ; so to use other browsers should be the last step .
    PE seems to stop the IE ; one of these ms-miracles.

    Call me a stupid,but do you have a little "how to.." repairing or de-installing
    the IE (if Jason has no solution).I tried out because I wanted to reinstall
    completely the 6.0 version after download - but it did not work.
  4. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    In W2K I believe you must go to Add/remove programmes & select Windows components.
    You may be able to uninstall the SP1 update there as well.

    I use IE6, Opera and Beonex simultaneously sometimes, depending on the security I want to impose on specific sites or just because I can, also use them for checking browser compatability for websites. Does get confusing though :D

    Today I had IE on a SSL site, whilst browsing an e commerce site in Opera
  5. Hank

    Hank Registered Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    good old europe
    Well, I did nearly the same on my old system (WIN9:cool: because of similar reasons.
    But I changed the os to have a more stable system.This means for me to use only
    programs I really need (and I have much of them) Each further program might bring
    new problems (PE f.e.).
    You are right in de-installing the 6.0 sp1 ,but I wanted to uninstall the whole browser
    because of the conflict with PE and then re-install a new 6.0 version.
    Sometimes the most stupid things are successfull.But to uninstall the whole browser
    in W2K - how to ? I did not get it (depends on my two-months-experience with this os perhaps) .
  6. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Its hard to say Frank. How did you get Port Explorer to work before when you said it was crashing everytime before the program even loaded? Maybe that will help me find out what the problem is.
  7. linney

    linney Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2002
    See this link for conflict involving PE Explorer, IE6 and Trojan Trap. (As stated earlier Trojan Trap is now part of Tiny Personal Firewall).

    I found to keep everything happy I had to disable large parts of Trojan Trap, mainly Execution Settings of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Disabling all settings under Http Filtering - User mode engine and System - User mode engine, this allowed IE6, Trojan Trap and Port Explorer to work together, but at a reduced level of security. Trojan Trap in the past has caused conflicts of a similar type between NOD32 and IE6 and itself.
  8. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Thanks linney for pointing that out. :)
  9. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Frank did you also try to uninstall both fw / tttrap and PE and after first install PE and after the fw?
    As there is a new PE version to grab now worth the extra trouble anyway.

    I'm on win98se so not sure how this is on w2000 but isn't there a control panel > software > add/remove --scroll down to the MS IE 6 and or sp1 -- select that one -- click one time add/remove and isn't there a popup telling you to either repair or go back to the former installed IE version?
    This should be a way to get back <fingers crossed> to IE 6.0 without the SP1.

    I'm not sure about the best order of things here to do it all, others can advice better.
  10. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    :D Thanks Linney for confirming my original post, TTT is fearsome technology, not for the faint hearted!
    I had a licence for TT when it was released & then, under W2K, it caused me all sorts of problems. I stick with Sygate pro5 & L&S now with no problems.
  11. Frank

    Frank Guest

    Hi folks,

    at first I want to thank everybody,who tried to help me to solve this problem.
    I tried out some of your and Jason's tips,and finally I did the following:
    uninstalling Tiny
    uninstalling PE
    re-installing PE in safe mode and afterwards re-installing Tiny.
    Furthermore I tried to change some default-rules of Tiny
    Result: Error-message of PE that it could not proper start.It was running but some
    functions could not be enabled (f.e. spying).
    Well,at this point I have to say goodbye to PE .
    When I changed to W2K I eliminated the whole Norton-Sh.... from my system and bought
    some better,now after 2 months struggling with different problems under W2K,hardware,
    software and so on I have enough for the moment.
    Special thanks to Jason and all his patience.I don't know any other company giving this
    kind of support.Great !
    Perhaps some day he can fix this problem because I guess I am not the only one using
    Tiny ( hey, there is trial-version for you running 2 weeks)
    Finally I am sorry not being able to use PE,but enough is enough - two lost days.
    If anybody has a genius idea: You're welcome.I will read of course this forum furthermore.

  12. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Thanks for patience and trying Frank, sorry it did not work out properly for you.
    Did you try the new PE version 1.350 too?
    Hope you'll be able to keep watching these pages for more ideas, questions and possibilities.
    Your and Linney's experience with the TTT sound rather suspicious in this sense...
    Hope you did in the meantime get back your IE6.0 in the way you want it, (back to previous install).
    I must admit since i on win98se added the IE6.0 SP1 and several security updates i have some strange problems too, like never before but most on web surfing and images display; in a former occasion getting the new VM version did lots of good in areas i would not have though they could possibly have to do anything with it at all but things worked better that time, but now after the recent update i don't feel better with that at all.

    When you went to win2000 did you start all clean or did you first get out all the norton parts, and surely completely as that is almost impossible -- read about a real norton complete uninstall tool which seems really to work and might be helpful still if you did not reformat the whole system two months ago........
  13. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    I am 95% sure now, after consideration of some facts that this is a Trojan Trap issue and not a Port Explorer one. Trojan Trap is like a sandbox for your system and if you don't configure it properly it denies access to certain applications to do a lot of things. As I told Frank, you have to know how to configure your software if you use it, and if you don't know, then you should learn. :)

    Maybe Linney can provide some sort of small step-by-step process that Frank could follow to allow an application access? Or maybe a URL.

  14. linney

    linney Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2002
    Sorry, but I can't really add more than what I outlined about settings under Trojan Trap's Execution Settings. I only got that by trial and error. Also I have Trojan Trap as a seperate program I don't have Tiny Personal Firewall as part of it.
  15. Frank

    Frank Guest

    Nice advice Jason - I will keep it in mind........
    And if you create a new program perhaps one day someone will be able to use it
    without being a damn NSA-agent :p
    Finally to Tiny: I gave all permisson to PE which was (from my stupid :D point of view)
    possible: unrestrictable access.However....
    To Jooske:
    If I install a new os I take always these steps:
    proper installing with every new boot and taking after several parts an image.So if there
    is any conflict with new software I can return to last "clean" image.
    Because of this I have fortunately no Norton-cadaver on my system-

  16. Frank

    Frank Guest

    For all the interested in this problem: that's what Tiny helpdesk wrote to me:

    " : As you can see, what Port Explorer shows is very similar to connection Tab of TPF's Activity Monitor. Its clear that both programs are hooked to windows network driver."

    In this case and if the Tiny-Man is right,I have something for Jason:

    you have to know how to configure your software if you create it, and if you don't know, then you should learn. :D :D

  17. Phil

    Phil Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2002
    ... not to defend Jason, PE, DiamondCS or anybody, but to state a fact. If a program uses a LSP and does not implement it correctly, it *will* cause conflicts with any other program using the same. Sygate was the first one I was aware of that caused problems and they fixed theirs. Now, who is at fault in your situation? Since I have 3 apps using LSP on my system including PE and they co-exist nicely, I would have to suspect Tiny is the one causing your problem. This is merely a guess on my part, but is a road I have walked before. If Tiny does in fact have an incorrect implementation, you will have problems with any other app using the same until they correct the problem.


  18. Frank

    Frank Guest

    ..and I did not want to attack Jason - it seems I am not well trained in this Crocodile-Dundee-humor ; i simply responded to his lines above.And I remember a sentence
    written on these pages that "PE can exist near every firewall except the old and crappy". It' s a point of view,what crappy means in this case.
    Generelly I am satisfied with the Tiny-firewall 4.0 - until now I have no other conflicts
    with any application except PE.And there are some for the internet-use on my system.
    ( TDS-3 f.e.) So if they all work nicely in co-existance you could also say it's a PE-problem.Perhaps Jason finds away - if he searches like Idid this week I am shure he will.And PE pleases to me ; it's a pitty that I cannot use it.
  19. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Frank, the problem doesn't exist though, between Trojan Trap and Port Explorer, if Trojan Trap gives access to Port Explorer to the system. Port Explorer is a system utility, not a word processor so it needs full access to the network side of your computer.

    You said originally you didn't know how to configure Trojan Trap. Which is what I meant by, if you are going to install Trojan Trap, learn how to use it so you won't have these problems in the future :) . Port Explorer doesn't "block" access and requires no configuration regarding other applications, unlike Trojan Trap.

    I can't make Port Explorer configure all your system applications (Like Trojan Trap) that you run to make sure I have full access, thats your job as owner of your system. :D
  20. Frank

    Frank Guest

    Hi Jason,

    this is not exactly correct.I am not a computer-brain like you but I guess
    I am able to configure my firewall - otherwise I should perhaps delete it from
    my system.
    Do you remember: having installed PE the IE crashed and could not be startetd in any way ,there was no problem to start PE.What I meant with being unable concerning Tiny is: Tiny created profiles and filters for different
    application-groups.It is no problem for me to create a rule for one of my programs concerning the general /internet-access.
    But I agree - I am not able to rewrite or modify Tiny's own,implemented
    filter-rules how they handle an application; in this case the IE.
    You will be astonished :D that I am able not only to give an access by
    choosing "yes" or "no" asked by the firewall; oh wonder I can create
    rules for single ports,adresses etc.
    But this crash-problem goes deeper.I am working on this and let you know....

    By the way: It would interest me which firewall do you prefer ?

  21. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    I think I can easily recommend Sygate Pro Firewall, any version over 5.0 as long as you know how to set up a firewall properly, etc.

    Otherwise I think Zone Alarm is OK too if you are new to firewalls. Tiny Firewall is ok and we havn't seen any problems with Port Explorer and Tiny, but if you are using Tiny then you will easily be able to use Sygate, which in my opinion is better.

    This forum and DSL Reports commonly have polls about this sort of thing, you might want to check that out and see what they recommend also.
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