Icons not loading in System Tray

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by snapdragin, Oct 19, 2002.

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  1. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada

    i've got a question regarding two of my security program icons not loading in my system tray. i have Nod32's Amon and TrojanHunter's Guard startup when i turn my pc on(XP-Home) and load their icons into the system tray. But this past week they seem to be taking turns....one will not load and the other one will...or vise versa. This was only happening off and on at the beginning of this week but has become more noticable since yesterday, and happens moreso when i've had my pc turned off.

    i check the Task Manager each time and they are both running in there, so i am pretty sure they are still doing what they are suppose to.....but i would feel better actually "seeing" them there. :doubt:

    this has also happened to Ad-Watch's icon, but not as much as it is happening with Amon and TH-Guard.

    i am wondering if this is a java thing with my pc? The reason i am suspicious of that is because after the last Critical Update for Microsoft's VM (Sept 18/02) i have noticed the pages in Opera now starting to scramble a bit.....refreshing page or scrolling fixes it...but i've never had that scrambling of text/images before that last Critical Update for MVM. This scrambling of pages does not happen in IE6.

    anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


    (ps. i can live with the scrambling of the pages...i scroll alot anyways so that fixes it temporarily....i am more concerned about Amon and TH-Guard and that they ARE still working alright)
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I'm not sure, but, I don't think a Java problem would have anything to do with icons displaying in the Systray area. I had the same problem when I first got my XP Home system, and I wish I could say - "do this" and it'll fix it. Instead, all I can say is that it went away on my system when I fiddled with the taskbar's > Properties...

    I tried going into the "Hide inactive icons" > "Customize..." and setting everything in there to "always show". That worked a while, but, the Systray and the Quick Launch bar seemed to conflict a bit until I literally pulled them apart, spacing-wise. Later, I just disabled the entire "Hide inactive icons" option by un-checking it. I haven't been missing an icon in Systray since.

    I'm not sure what exactly fixed it, but its been a long time without any missing. Since you are sure they are running, I imagine its related to simply displaying them. Perhaps fiddling will help. ;)

    Best Wishes,
  3. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    thank you LowWaterMark :)

    i double-checked the Taskbar & Start Menu Properties, and the "Hide Inactive Icons" is still unchecked. i had unchecked that way back in May...and i have never had any icons disappear or not load before, up until this week. Amon and TH-Guard have always loaded with every time i've turned my pc on or even just a reboot.

    i've done several deep scans with TDS and Nod32, SpybotS&D, Adaware, and TH....nothing shows up so i am pretty sure there isn't any nasty thing causing this. The only things i can think of that i've d/l'ed and installed earlier this week is Spybot 1.1 and then just the regular updates for TDS, Nod & TH. i can't see any of those causing this though.

    oh well..LOL! As long as they show in the Task Manager i won't worry about them.....if they don't, then i'll get a li'l nervous. :D

    thank you for your reply!

  4. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Hi snapdragin,

    Right click the task bar and then select properties click the Task bar then Uncheck the Hide Inactive Icons button this should fix your missing tray icons. :D

  5. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    Hi Loki, and thank you for your suggestion. i think in my case, since i've always had the "hide inactive icons" un-checked, it must be something else that is causing these particular one's to randomly not load. Funny thing is though, the other icons there load fine....it just seems to be the security program icons that this is happening to, that's why it concerned me a bit.

    i just rebooted and Amon didn't load on start-up...but it's active in the Task Monitor....i just tried opening it from the Start Menu to see it if would load it back into the Systray....the li'l heart-muscle thing was beating away, but when i clicked on the x, which would just send it back down to the Systray, instead Amon disappeared completely.

  6. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA

    When you right click the task bar one option is to lock the taskbar do you have that checked?

    WindowsXP all the exta fun :p

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