“I agree to these terms and conditions” is the biggest lie on the Internet

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by ronjor, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

  2. Victek

    Victek Registered Member

  3. Amanda

    Amanda Registered Member

    Which is why Adware companies love proprietary software :D People just blindly agree with the terms, it's perfect for them.

    Well, if a software goes on court then it's likely not going to survive for long. Unless it's Microsoft.
  4. quietman

    quietman Registered Member

    EULAs have rapidly become bloated and almost unreadable , which serves the interests of their creators just fine .

    Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong , but I think MS have set a new "world standard " with the W10 EULA.
    There's around 48 pages of it .... and it is a welter of inane , mindless blather .... with a checkbox at the end .

    But buried in there are the "quicksand" clauses ..... the one's that give away your ownership of everything on a W10 system.
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