
Discussion in 'privacy general' started by donlon, Jan 22, 2003.

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  1. donlon

    donlon Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003

    What does HTAstop do ?? - I imagine that it stops those annoying "do you want to install and run ..bla-bla" mostly gator, comet cursor, porn and dialers, am I right ??

    Do I need it on Windows XP Home ?? o_O

    Is there a place to test if it works ??
  2. snowy

    snowy Guest


    HTA is a script extension....such as vbs...exe..
    an its not a bad idea to use hta stop.....which has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the things you listed...........
  3. JayK

    JayK Poster

    Dec 27, 2002
    Nah. Those are mostly activex based stuff. You can either block it
    on a per site basis using IEspyad which puts known spyware sites into your resiricted zone or use Spywareblaster which sets a kill bit for those activex stuff.
  4. snowy

    snowy Guest


    from the BOCLEAN appears that HTASTOP is not for winXP:

    "HTAstop is a small, simple, free program for users of Windows95, 98, NT, 2000 or Windows ME which allows you to shut down Microsoft's "HTA" (Hypertext Application) capabilities in any version of Windows. It also permits you to UNblock HTA should it be required momentarily and then turn it right back off once you've used any necessary "legitimate" HTA applications downloaded from a website. "HTA" is a part of Microsoft's "VBS Scripting Host" capabilities which is provided with Internet Explorer and other Microsoft products"

    By the very nature of your question it leads me to think that you may just be new at computer, please feel free to ask questions in which ever forum your question would fit sunject wise an someone will be most willing to offer suggestions....
  5. donlon

    donlon Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    Wow that was really fast answers.
    Thanks a lot guys, I'll look in to spywareblaster.

    I'm not conserend abot myself and all the "do you want to install ..." popups, but more to other people that are using my Comp, they could by accident click the wrong box, they sometimes pop up fast.
  6. snowy

    snowy Guest


    if its pop-ups in particular that you are interested in preventing there are several programs designed for that purpose...most are just make a post on that subject....others will offer what their suggestions of programs
  7. JayK

    JayK Poster

    Dec 27, 2002
    I'm not sure if it prevents the popup or just prevents the installation even if you click, I'm protected by so many other stuff, I never see the popup anyway.

    You might also look at spywareguard which is a resident spyware scanner.
  8. JayK

    JayK Poster

    Dec 27, 2002
    I'm wondering though, in many cases the "popups" are warnings from IE itself, asking permission to run unsafe activex, I dont think popup blockers would prevent that right?
  9. snowy

    snowy Guest


    if you are in fact new to computer may want to consider a program such as WEBWASHER.(free version) which does offer a new person a fairly decent margin of overall protection while learning.

    webwasher is a proxy...not the best but good..the best has a rather steep learning curve....webwasher does will stop scripts..pop-ups..cookies...many images and ads......use it as a "client" time you may want to replace it......if you find something you prefer...but until then you would have and all around program......
    may I respectfully you have an anti virus program......
  10. snowy

    snowy Guest


    its possible to set IE to "prompt" could be prompt before installing a program..prompt before running activeX yet a pop-up such as DON mentions may not be the need for pop-up stoppers come into play.
  11. snowy

    snowy Guest


    if you decide to give webwasher a try.....later if you want to access windows update BE SURE TO DISABLE WEBWASHER otherwise you will be prevent from access to windows update.....actually its just one of the features of webwasher that is doing the preventing but wont hurt to just disable it while updating.
  12. donlon

    donlon Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    I am using Webwasher, and really likes it, but it does not always stops those "do you want ..." activeX stuff, I did check out Spywareblaster, I'll try it out later.

    Ohh, yes I'm using AV software (NOD32)
  13. snowy

    snowy Guest


    great....seems like you have it yourself a real nice anti virus......
    Don I haven't seen a pop-up in several years.....normally what I prefer to do is give others the opportunity to offer the name of the programs they are using......there is so many new programs its getting difficult to keep up with
    spyblaster is very good.....but I don't think it helps with the pop-ups.......
    have you heard of ADSHIELD ?? very nice...should handle any much more
  14. donlon

    donlon Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2003
    I installed spywareblaster and .......WOW, this is a great program. :D
    I searched on google for some sites with ActiveX popups ......right, porn :) .... and I found a page (surprise) that almost crached my browser, with that ActiveX crap, but SWB, did stop the ActiveX part.

    Beware !! <link edited out>

    I have not found any pages with ActiveX popups, that SWB can't "shoot down" yet.
    I'm very impressed with this program

    Please, no more posting of this kind of links
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    As for HTAstop:

    As you can see on the site of PSC (the company that gives HTAstop for free) they have also two programs (not free) that do the same and lots and lots more than that to secure your InternetExplorer or Netscape: IEClean or NSClean.
    I'm a diehard fan of IEClean, so don't be surprised I did mentioned it here.
  16. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Glad you like it. :) If you do find any ActiveX popups that it doesn't "shoot down", feel free to PM me the links. :cool:

    HTAStop is, IMHO, a great utility also. And of course, the IEClean and NSClean products are top-notch (with top-notch support, I might add - most e-mails are responded to within mere hours by the great folks there). :D
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