HP Custom built computers and Windows 7 vs XP

Discussion in 'hardware' started by chattycathy, Dec 30, 2011.

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  1. chattycathy

    chattycathy Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    As I have posted a few weeks back, I am arguing with myself about purchasing a new computer. The one I'm using I had it custom built by HP in Sept. 2006 and it is using Windows XP Pro SP3. The only thing wrong with it right now is that the cd/dvd drive won't write to dvds BUT it works fine with cd's and I hardly ever if ever need it for dvds burning. BUT, the only reason I'm considering purchasing another computer is because each time I've purchased a new one, I hand my old one down to my husband so his has the miles on it and I expect it to go anytime and my luck is that it will wait until Windows 8 is being put on all of the new computers and I don't want Windows 8. I have 2 questions, and they are: To those who are using Windows 7 and HAVE used XP, which do you prefer? I have so many "old" programs that I can't get to work on my laptop with Windows 7 Home Edition and I can't get new versions because there aren't any. I have heard mixed reveiws about Windows 7 and I haven't used it enough on my laptop to make a decision besides the fact it is just the Home editon and I will be getting the Professional if I get it at all. My second question is, does HP still make quality products. I won't be purchasing it in a retail store. I will have it custom built as I have done in the past. Is there anyone out there that has purchased a custom built computer from HP in the last few years or since 2006 anyway? I've read the reviews on their custom built desktops but they're not old enough to satisfy me. In other words, they haven't had them long enough. Any information is appreciated and thanks for your time.
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    just buy a new one and have them put XP on it,
    IF they will, that will be the question,
    if not, find someone that knows enough to downgrade it
    to XP and do not believe it just because someone tells
    you it can not be done, "most likely it can be" just according to which model you buy, I just bought a new
    HP and no drivers were available for XP, just did a little research on the motherboard in it and found the drivers
    that I needed, now I have a new HP with XP, works great
  3. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    Windows 7 without a doubt.
  4. Cloudcroft

    Cloudcroft Registered Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    The Hill Country of Texas
    Windows 7!
  5. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    I used XP for 6 years, Vista for 2, and Windows 7 from the day it was released. You could not pay me to go back to XP at this point.
  6. Hugger

    Hugger Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Hackensack, USA
    Windows 7. No doubts.
  7. chattycathy

    chattycathy Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2005
    To be honest, I had thought that I could downgrade to Windows 7 if not XP. Years ago when Windows ME came on all of the computers when you purchased a new one, I was so lucky to get "stuck" with it or so I thought. One day I had enough of it and decided I was going to try to put Windows 98SE on it. My thought was, what did I have to loose? I could always put it back like it was when it was new or restore one of my backups. So, I tried it and it worked! I had a new computer with Windows 98SE and got RID of Windows ME!!!! Now when I think about Windows 8, I hope it won't be as bad as ME. Another option I had considered was that I could get one that would support dual booting. Thanks everyone for your responses!!! You have made me feel better about taking the plunge now and getting Windows 7.
  8. guest

    guest Guest

    "To those who are using Windows 7 and HAVE used XP, which do you prefer? "

    Actually Win 2000 but i have not worked on it enough to
    be able to customize it the way i would want it but XP isn't to bad after you go though it and hack out a bunch of bloat

    Win 7 is even more bloated, it may just be time to find a different OPS entirely
  9. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    You can have it all. Just install some stable Linux distro, and run your Windows systems as VMs in VirtualBox. Modern hardware is so fast that you probably won't even notice that you're running VMs. You don't need to know Linux. Just use a friendly distro like Ubuntu. Use 64-bit Linux, and forget about memory limits. Full disk encryption with LVM is part of the Ubuntu alternate installation image. For backups, you just save a copy of the virtual disk file. You can isolate your Windows VMs from USB.
  10. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    WIN 7 is great! So was XP, but it's getting to the point where nothing is compatible any more, such as new apps and upgrades. Move on.
    As for HP, I wouldn't own an HP. I understand they aren't going to manufacture PC's any more soon, and they pack their new computers with bloat and trial apps. FWIW I built a Dell on line and it's good. No unwanted crap except for giving me free McAfee which I uninstalled as soon as I finished setting up the computer. :)
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