how wipe Cluster tips on Locked Files?

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by gvincent3000, Dec 28, 2005.

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  1. gvincent3000

    gvincent3000 Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2005
    is there an easy way to wipe cluster tips on NTFS disks if the file belonging to the cluster is locked.
    i have been using hiedi eraser to wipe my free space but it is unable to process ntuser.dat.log. there is a huge ammount of file slack there that contains data such as newgroups headers and web sites visted. i am trying to find a way to wipe it. i have tried logging in under a differnet account and wiping free space from there, but it doesnt seem to work either.
  2. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Yes, it's a pain-in-the-butt to either read (to where you can get any sense out of it) or remove (since it's always "in use").

    While the info included may or not be anything conceivably damaging if retrieved, I've asked the author of Index.dat Suite to consider having it included in the list of items that can be erased at start-up when you run Index.dat Suite.

    Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to have the rest of the ""cleaner" type apps to have it included as a selectable option, either. Pete
  3. Pete why don't you just add the file to be deleted into the bat file that index.dat suite generates?

    It is hardly rocket science. Granted there are several around, but once you get them once, you can get them all.

    Or if you like you can even use the command line version of eraser to do the deletion for even more security.

    BTW I'm not recommending that you delete the file.... Neither am i recommending you Don't delete the file.

  4. Snowie

    Snowie Guest


    """To see the contents of ntuser.dat do start->run->regedit and expand the HKCU
    branch. Be careful that you only look and do not touch.

    The dat.log file is just that. It's a log of changes/access to that
    particular registry hive.

    Up to you if you really want to delete them. I don't think you'll like the
    results though since that will sort of blow your user profile out of the
    water. ;-) """"""""


    An a most Happy New Year to you and The Princess

    Always Wishing You well

    Snowie The Snowman
  5. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    For the sake of clarity, let's remember that we're talking about ntuser.dat.log - not ntuser.dat itself. Pete
  6. Snowie

    Snowie Guest


    ntuser.dat.log is simply a Hidden Protected System Folder......remove the "HIDDEN" settings thus revealing the then perhaps you could use Notepad to "read" the contents...(maybe lol).......
    Now, an THIS IS ONLY A COMMENT/THOUGHT.....if ntuser.dat.log can be read using Notepad......perhaps that opens the door to erasing

    ntuser.dat. is your Profile.....what you use.....its needed if an error left for the "log" frankly I have no idea if it can be safely "wiped" SAFE MODE

    Another thought........since ntuser.dat.log is a file.....could it safely be deleted/ then a "NEW" ntuser.dat.log file be made to replace it??
    .................this is just food for thought since no one seems to be offering any suggestions..........
  7. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    I understand. Thanks, snowie! Happy New Year to you and yours, too! Pete
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