how to update mirror thru http

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by new2nod, Dec 1, 2005.

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  1. new2nod

    new2nod Guest

    i am basically new to nod32, and i have been doing the installation for clients by going through the manual. i always use the UNC path whenever a mirror update is concerned and so far i never had any problems. i have heard about the the other option which is the http method.
    can some one please elaborate on this and how it can be done? will it work on a simple workgroup?
    thanks in advance
  2. alglove

    alglove Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2005
    Houston, Texas, USA
    Basically, the machine that is running the mirror has an option to provide the files via HTTP, using port 8081. You do not need to install anything special on the Mirror computer to set this up. No web server software or anything like that. It is all handled by the NOD32 Mirror software. Just use the following settings on the Mirror setup:

    Enable HTTP server: Yes
    HTTP server port: 8081

    Once this is set up, all you have to do is set the clients' Update server to http://mirror.ip.address:8081 , and you should be set.
  3. Danabob

    Danabob Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    Illinois, USA
    As another brand new user I have to ask as I have been wondering. Is the "Enable HTTP Server:Yes" switch the one under Mirror on the install package screen?

  4. YeOldeStonecat

    YeOldeStonecat Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Along the Shorelines somewhere in New England
    Expand "Update" on "Mirror"...put checkmark in "Enable access to files via HTTP Protocol".

    By default port is 8081. For the users out there running Small Business Server, or Sharepoint (which SBS has), on the same box as their NOD admin'll want to change this port...I use 8088 on those boxes. To change the the Advanced'll see it down on the bottom by "Port Used for providing files via HTTP".

    Now...using your RAC config editor, or if you're setting up clients simply plug in server name:port, or server IP:port. I use the servers IP....more direct, no DNS request needed (I like a lean mean network).

    Exampe of all, no authentication username or password when doing HTTP. (by default)
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