Hello, I've written an article called How to Report Spam. Please check it out and let me know what you think. I'm still wondering if there's more places that any type of spam can be sent to make the greatest affect. Please let me know of any criticisms or suggestions you have. Thanks.
Does anyone know of any other places to report spam where it can hurt the spammers? Getting it added to a lot of blocklists would also be helpful. I'd really like to update this article to be able to do even more damage to them. (Specifically I'm looking for more services that allow you to report any type of spam) Does anyone know of any services, that accept any type of spam, which aren't already listed below? Symantec report spam as attachment to gsubmit@submit-1.brightmail.com Fortinet report spam as attachment to submitspam@service.fortinet.com Knujon just forward spam to knujon@coldrain.net US Federal Trade Commission report spam just forward spam to spam@uce.gov McAfee report spam as attachment to customer+missed-spam@clicknet.com Microsoft Outlook report spam as attachment to abuse@messaging.microsoft.com SpamCop make an account and just forward your spam to the address they provide for you
Spam Submission to Microsoft for Office Outlook Junk Folder! abuse@messaging.microsoft.com http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18275 TH
I found some nice addons for Thunderbird. Habul has options to report spam to FTC, SpamCop, FDA, SEC, ACMA, and Knujon. Signal Spam Addon Does anyone know how useful this would be in the United States? Here is the homepage (in French) Abusix spam reporter addon Does anyone quite understand if this would be effective for reporting spam? Here's the homepage Please look these addons over and let me know what you think. The last two I'm not quite sure about, but the first seems very useful. What do you think? Thanks.