How to do backups in ABR 10, like in True Image Echo.

Discussion in 'Other Acronis Products' started by AaronAnderson, Aug 10, 2009.

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  1. AaronAnderson

    AaronAnderson Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2006
    I have 45 or 50 clients that I have deployed Acronis True Image Echo to. Most of these businesses are similar in size and use USB drives to store backup data on. I have over 70 products registered on my account and ALL of them were purchased with a support agreement, as this was required to buy the software at a discount through the specified channels that Acronis provided.

    5 USB drives, one for each day of the week.
    True Image was always set to do a full backup
    Full backup would start, delete the image on the USB drive, and overwrite with the current data.

    This is a very simple process. This is why we like(d) Acronis products. They worked very well, and were simple enough to explain to users with no previous IT knowledge.

    Enter Acronis Backup and Recovery.

    I cannot see a simple way to create a full backup every day. I got on chat support and asked the same question and was put “on hold” for about 20 minutes, when someone came back online and told me that they recommend I read the product manual, and then told me they cannot help me because I do not have support. I have AMPS support for over 70 registered products

    It looks like I can set up a full backup every day, and set retention to one day as well, but then I need enough space on the external USB drive to hold two full backups. The new backup must complete before the old one is deleted. This is annoying when dealing with 400gb+ backups.

    I’m not even going to get into mentioning that none of 3 servers I have using ABR 10 are working correctly, that anyone at Acronis cares….. ugh.

    If you’re going to completely change a product, tell us. ABR is not an upgrade. It is a different product COMPLETELY.
  2. neteng

    neteng Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    I have the exact same problem. I have posted it in the True Image forum and had several views but no responses flaw

    Like you I have users who rotate USB disks daily and do not have room to hold more than one full backup per disk. Your dealing with support sounds familiar as I too had someone who wasn't aware of the changes in the new version and told me to read the manual (which I already had done).

    When you setup retention it creates a Manual cleanup task that I could only get to work if I ran it manually. I did a test where I had set the retention setting for the archive size to 1MB. I created an image one of the smaller partitions on my system so I could save more than one archive on my USB disk. I ran it 4 times and it created 4 .tib files. I then manually ran the cleanup task and it removed 3 of the 4 .tib files. So I don't see where the cleanup task does anything automatically.

    This is very dissapointing and a showstopper for my clients who need to use a backup rotation with USB disks that are overwritten each time. Apart from writing a script to delete the .tib files on the backup media before the job runs and then living with .tib files with crazy names like recreatedarchive_aabadd8897ad88ad8f8d89......tib I don't know what my choices are. I would say just go back to version 9 but I was having the sector 63 issues that I fixed for about 2 weeks but then they magically came back. I figured going to version 10 would be best as Acronis told me the sector 63 issue was fixed. But at the expense of utilizing a standard backup rotation apparently.

    I saw in some TI Home posts that this was an issue as well. Some postings suggested creating a differential or incremental backup but setting the number of differentials or incrementals to 0. This is supposed to work with the consolidation process that would not find any differentials or incrementals and therefore overwrite the original. I have not had a chance to look into this yet.

    If Acronis is listening this is a MAJOR issue that is potentially a dealbreaker for all of my clients.
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