Hello, Is there a safe way to delete (or reset) local.db? The file is nearly 800MB, and I only reinstalled ESS a few months ago. It seems to be related with the freeze occurring when the virus definitions update.
Hello, the file should not be that large at all (typically it should have less than 10-20 MB at maximum). Boot in safe mode, rename the file, upload it somewhere and PM me the download link so that we can analyze it further. What operations do you perform on the computer? Do you compile binaries on a freqent basis?
Hello, I don't have access to my home computer right now but I've uploaded the local.db from my workstation. It's quite modest (in comparison) but is certainly larger than 20MB (currently 162MB). For both computers I develop quite heavily (typically 8hr/day) and the home computer additionally host 2TB+ of data which might explain the size of local.db.