How Secure do you feel with KIS 6 Beta?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Hangetsu, Jan 19, 2006.

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  1. Hangetsu

    Hangetsu Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    I decided to give Kaspersky Internet Suite 6 Beta a try, as my current subscriptions to NOD32 and ZoneAlarm will be expiring soon. So far, I like the integrated product, but given I have it on my primary PC, should I be overly concerned around security?

    I'm behind a hardware firewall (router), and I've seen the reviews on the product here, but I'm a bit paranoid running with a beta product. What do you all think?
  2. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    I've tested that product (KAV 2006) and have to say that I am pretty impressed with it. I like the registry protection it offers. Keep in mind thought that NOD will be coming out with a new version "soon" which is supposed to be really good; with registry protection and a new interface. Either way you cannot go wrong. But I would not be afraid of using a beta. The gold version should be released shortly.
  3. JayTee

    JayTee Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2004
    I had problems with KIS 6 beta. A financial program which scans Metastock files always locks up. So I am waiting for the actual version before trying it again.
  4. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004
    I'm very much impressed with this beta too..aside from a few bugs mentioned in their forum, I found the latest build rather stable on one of my setups. I tried two of the earlier beta's and the last one and most probably I'll go for KIS2006. I mean only if Ewido's HIPS will dissapoint (which I don't think it will!), cause I got a good team (ewido+nod32) going at the moment but I was soooo impressed that I'm thinking bout it!

    one of the best suites, maybe the best, I've seen and worked with while it's still beta, I wonder if this positiveness will hold when beta is finished...that will be the final question I'll pose to myself next month or so

  5. Hangetsu

    Hangetsu Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    Thanks much for the feedback everyone. I'm torn on moving from NOD32 (I've had too many problems with ZoneAlarm 6 to be overly upset with them *grin*) as its been such a great AV app (I particularly like the size), but av-comparitives shows KAV to be tops on their last scan, and I'm shocked at the small footprint that KIS 6 keeps resident in memory. I read what other people were saying, but seeing is believing.

    The only other one of interest to me would be the eTrust suite from CA. They're software firewall is the only one certified by ICSA Labs - my assumption is that they just started this certification and CA jumped in first; Anyone have practical experience with this one?

    I should point out I am looking for something that has a small footprint (of course, performance of the tool at detecting and removing viruses comes first, heh)
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2006
  6. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Since it seems it be the firewall you are most unhappy with, why not just replace that and renew your NOD licence? If you are going to do so I would recommend LooknStop. It is easy to get an appropriate ruleset here and you won't find another (modern) firewall with a lighter footprint

    Just thinking out loud.
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