It depends on what you mean by "getting". My ISP's SpamGuard neatly catches and quarantines nearly everything of that nature addressed to me, and the extremely rare one that gets through is caught by my Thunderbird. In terms of volume, this week's been relatively quiet because of the holidays ... I normally check and clear the quarantine daily as part of my "morning rounds", and it's been running 25-30 messages per day this week. More typical volume is not much over 50/day. At Yahoo Mail (not my primary addy), there's typically 6 or so a day, again always caught by their spam filters.
none in my inbox, using Gmail(maybe 1-2 in past year). alot in my spam folder though, maybe 6-7 per day.
Well since you said every day I have to say ZERO because I don't get spam every singel day Max once a week or so.
I have many e-mail, my junk mail receives like a dozen junk/spam mail. Of all my "main" mails, only 1 receives spam mail, like once every week or 2 weeks.
None, with MailWasherPro. The filters catch 'em all, then I delete 'em. Once in awhile, a spam email will slip through as I am downloading good emails from the MWP server to my HD... like it showed up between the time I reviewed the MWP inbox and subsequently clicked on the Wash Mail icon. Happens very rarely, and it's like slipping through a crack. My Hotmail account (which I don't care where I use it) gets maybe a half dozen spam emails per day, no more.
I just looked at my email a little more closely.. I have my own domain with unlimited email alias so when I register on sites I use a specific email address eg. if I registered here at wilders my email would be or something simular. Well after checking all my spam mail I've found that it's almost all coming from two sites that I registered with many months or years ago which are lookitsme and zoosk. I guess my email address could have been sold on by these when I closed down my account(s). I've just created a filter to trash any email sent to either address so hopefully now my spam will be down to a minimum.
That much on Gmail? WoW I just use my ISP which uses Yahoo services for email I get 3 or 4 per day! TH
I have no idea but Gmail sorts them out and I never see the emails. I do a lot of transactions (since 2004) and always use my Gmail address. Many of the companies give my address to the world. No problem because Gmail sorts them out and I NEVER see the emails, as I said.
I have twelve email addresses, the two public ones get a lot of spam, expected, but they are subjected to three spam filter systems: first, the web mail spam filters, then forwarded to a Gmail account, then finally SeaMonkey's spam filter. The two personal emails, one for kin, kith, and friends and the other for government, such as Medicare, Social Security, my doctor, my private medical supplement insurance, and other similar government and private services. No spam. The other emails are for tech, news, literary, science, music, art, and other interests and research, but I get all total maybe a dozen to two dozen a month. I have spam about as controlled as possible. The public ones get a lot initially, but after the three stage filtering, I get only one to six a week. I do check the spam folders of the original web mails and Gmail once a month.
None on my gmail, though 1 slips in once a week or two and I use it everywhere, so I would expect much much more.