i voted six to ten hours but it depends on whether its a school day or weekend, and whether im at my moms or dads. i usually use my computer quite a lot; even if im not currently using it, i leave it on for folding@home.
I vote 6 to 10 hours, 4 or so before work,4 or 5 after work. On my days off, could be most of the day. God I need some sleep.
probaly 2-3 hours--picking up sig tags and here at wilders--or sometimes gathering info on some subject I need to research
around 5 hours during the winter and hardly at all in the summer LOL love your comments Erik betauser2
Well, my jobs both involve computers so I spend most of my day in or around them. I voted 10+ hours. If I'm not saving the world from users that can't remember their passwords, I'm busily burning the midnight oil creating my next program. Sad, I know, but I have to pay the bills
Not enough, ahhh school is just too demanding Oh well, spring break is up soon . 1-3 hours usually Alphalutra1
An average of 2-3 hours a day (no games), and my dilemma is whether I should use some of this time doing some physical exercises... Computers are not very healthy in the long run and tend to be become addictive.
Sometimes I will spend a whole evening surfing the web, after spending a whole day at work infront of my computer, but usually I only get time for 30mins-1hour in the evening, and at weekends im usually out and about.
I try my very best to get in at least six hours a day before I go to work, then perhaps 30-45 minutes after I get home from work. It's a necessity for what I do. Pete
More or less about 3 hrs most of the time, but sometimes if I have nothing to do maybe more. I got mentally tired easily and I couldn't take to stay long infront of a pc monitor . Aside from that I am worried bout the radiations and magnetic fields that the pc crt monitor emits.
I used to drive expediting runs which required picking up assembly plant supplies (for Ford, GM, ToyOta etc), usually at about 5 PM, and drive the entire night either far north or south to make it to the gate docks by 6 or 7 AM. (CargoVan). Then head off to the nearest Truck Stop for shut eye after delivery, get up about lunch and ready for another dispatch that afternoon or evening again. Covered a lot of interstate territory and worked many more hours that way, one year an entire 365 day schedule just to make a personal and company record. Whew! 3 years ago i thought that was quite a demanding heavy schedule. Out of nothing but pure curiosity after only about 3 months into retirement i wondered onto a spring Yard Sale pc unit with Windows 98 for 150USD, and like they say, the rest is history. Just when i thought i would retire and relax from all those travels and labors, looks like i've discovered something to outdistanced myself again. That's right, i've now become so attached to these table-top modular marvels that worse than my own ciggy habit, i would probably suffer from major withdrawl symptoms harder than a drug addict or go into some form of DT's without one. I know i put more than 12 hours a day or night or both in front of this screen.
i'd say most of my free time is spent on my computers so i'd say four to five hours aday durning the week and just about all day long on the weekends. i have a mac and windows machine so i try to give then equal time lol.
I don't otherwise it might break lol Seriously it all depends, different every day, depends what i have to do, so i didn't actually vote on this. Probably too much some days, but better to addicted to this than lots of other things hey ! The most i can get from it is radiation poisoning, and maybe needing glasses after a while, so no worries here, i don't think anyway ! StevieO
I voted for "most of the freaking day", between my job(s) and pleasure it's a lot. My machines run 24hrs a day, every day ... doing something or another.