How long Windows 98?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Gnostic, Sep 3, 2002.

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  1. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    Now that M$ has abandoned Win 95, have they let slip the expected life span of Win98? Do they normally support a product for a set number of years or just stop when they feel like it?
  2. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

  3. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Gnostic, If you really like 98 and want to stay with it forever, you can. I highly recommend 98 lite. It removes IE and OE and gives you control over the os you should have always had. It removes 90% of the security hazards with removing IE.
    If you are interested, let me know and I'll explain more.
    I believe the addy is, if not google will find it.
    Shane Brooks, the australian that developed it is a great guy and will support his work.
    I guess one think to keep in mind is in the future, we are all going to have to decide how much we will compromise to keep up with the latest technology.
  4. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002

    I absolutely agree with your post.

    One can find (almost) all the wisdom of the world in it.

    Nice to have guys like you to keep everyone in touch with a bigger picture than just some which-program-is-newest kind of blind concern...

    Rgds, Crockett :)
  5. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Checked Google to verify the link...

    The address Root was referring to actually is

    Brooks is also related to IEradicator (very nice freeware !).

    I personally already tried IEradicator and at the time was very surprised to note that, after an additional defrag', my system had suddenly become MUCH more faster than it previously was.

    It was incredible, almost like I had installed a new and more powerful CPU...

    As always, make a backup of your OS before trying the experiment, although it is possible to change one's mind here and re-install IE if one decides to.

    Rgds, Crockett :cool:
  6. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Thank you Crockett for your kind words and posting the link. I was checking out when I wrote that last night and was in a hurry. :D
    I used 98lite for almost two years before switching to Win2k and it was fast. I mean fast. If it were not for 2k, I would still use 98lite.
  7. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hi Root;

    Was it easy to decide which component to keep or not to keep (that's the question) when you used 98Lite ?

    Was it easy then to reinstall/or uninstall them ?

    98lite user-friendly ?

    I'd like some of your thoughts about it...

    Do you think 98lite would still be an interesting 'plus' for users under [98SE with IEradicator already applied] ? I'm curious about that...

    Gnostic; great question you asked which started this thread !

    Rgds, Crockett :)
  8. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    Thanks FanJ, root and Crockett! This looks like an interesting program. Except for its better stability, I just don't like XP. I like the idea of getting rid of IE and OE as I don't like them and don't use them. Will investigate and also await root's response to Crockett's questions.
  9. parkersxs

    parkersxs Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2002
    Thanks to Shane Brooks, I'll be using 98se(lite) for a long time. Nothing compares to it's usability and speed (really very stable too!).

    Crockett, I believe 98lite has 4 installation options one of which makes (nearly) everything an option under "Windows Setup". You can add or remove items at anytime.

    BTW, I removed Active-x with 98lite and my Sygate Pro firewall ceased to load! No problem, with 98lite one click and I'm back in business.

    Also used IEradicator on win2000 sp1 (don't think it works on sp2+) with no ill effects. Definately noticed a + in speed (and certainly more secure!).

    I believe Shane is working on a program for win2000 and xp with functions similalr to 98lite.

    One of the best programs I've ever used!
  10. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Very easy. I think it is best to do a format and reinstall 98 using the 98 lite program. It gives you 4 choices. Just make sure you have read the readme stuff so you know what you are choosing. I went for the version that kept the quicklaunch bar and other extras, without IE. After 98lite is installed, you can go to the Add/Remove programs, Windows setup section and now you will find tons of options to install or uninstall.

    Couldn't be easier and yes, very user friendly.

    I think the clean install route would be better.
    Shane did a lot of work to clean out the registry after removing IE, etc. Even with the 98lite clean install, there is still stuff in the registry that a good cleaner will catch, inspite of the fact that Shane had to remove thousands of entries.
    There is much more to 98 lite that IERemove.
    If I did not like Win2k so much, I would have 98 lite for sure. I don't remember ever crashing 98 lite, EVER.
    It is small, solid and fast. Period!
  11. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hi guys;

    Just to make sure - you're talking about 98Lite professional, and not 98Lite free, right ?! :eek:

    Crockett :cool:
  12. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    pr0fEsSI0nAl for sure. It's well worth the money. I remember when Shane started developing this, he did it because he didn't have enough money to buy a better computer so he could switch to 98. If he makes a little money off this program he deserves it because he gave it away for a long time, even when he was broke.
    I don't know what the free version will do anymore.
  13. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hi guys :D

    Out of curiosity, I followed Root's advice, reinstalled W9x OS and launched 98LITEPro on my machine...

    Man, talk about instant improvement !

    How come this stuff ain't more famous ? Shane Brooks did an amazing job improving stability and speed. Blue screens are history as far as I can see. This is just unbelievable...

    No kidding - I hope Microsoft won't ever hire this guy, otherwise other companies are gonna be out of business very rapidly.

    W9x users, this 98Lite is a must use. Even the 98LiteFree has many stability/quickness improvement ('revolutionary improvement' is more to the point) features you can't go without.

    Anyone interested can report here on his experience with 98Lite. This thing is the software M$ should have produced a long time ago.

    Rgds, Crockett :cool:
  14. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hi Crockett Glad you like it. If I didn't like Win2k so much, thats what I would use.
    When I switched from 98lite to 2k, it took me weeks to get used to the slower speed. At least. 2k is stable too.
    Shows you where Billys heart is doesn't it? Why doesn't M$ offer such an OS?
  15. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Window98 was "built to launch the browser". :eek: :eek:

    It did this faster than any OS at the time and still beats every other OS put out by Microsoft to date in doing that task..even XP.

    With the new generation of hardware, along with dsl and ool that point is lost.

    Without Window98...98Lite would not exist.

    I have used it since it first hit the streets, like it ;) for the purpose it was intend.
  16. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hello Primrose :)

    I'm not sure I understand your point :p

    Could you clarify a bit ?

    Do you still use W9x and 98Lite or do you think it has become obsolete/unnecessary ? Or that it should never have appeared in the first place ?!


    Crockett :cool:
  17. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    RE 98lite.

    I have used it since it first hit the streets, like it .... for the purpose it was intend.
  18. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    :D :D :DThanks a lot !

    So much clearer now !!

    So what ?!

    Hurray ! This last (unbeatable) one I DO understand !! :D

  19. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    :D to you you understand all the other statements and the history/implications.

    Win98 was a great product..still is in fact.

    Lite will get you there faster..go fo it.

    On this:
    Quote:With the new generation of hardware, along with dsl and ool that point is lost.

    So what ?!

    I do not have time for the "so what." stuff .but it was nice chatting with you.
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