Hope this gives insight! Curious to know how others here at Wilder's got into this crazy stuff... My background: I'm in the IT field also. Not as long as a lot of folks here, surely, but professionaly about 3 years--with about 7 "unprofessional".
Re:How IT person here - over 20+ years. Started on Digital PDP-8/PDP-11 systems running RSX or RSTS/E back in the 70s. Stayed with the DEC line through VAX and into Alpha systems running VMS. Unfortunately, in some respects, moved away from the hands on technical and into IT management in the 90s. But, PC security is a fun hobby now, too. Edit: This image contains a picture of an ASR33 (teletype) and an acoustic coupler (partial modem - minus the telephone interface) which gave the TTY a blazing 110 baud (bps, not kbps!!) connection rate. Yes, you got it - my first dialin device. Ah, those were the days.
I'm just an internet user that got interested in security for my lone computer. I'm not a Pro. I like to test programs from the view-point of an average user. Internet security is a hobby for me. I have a job,but it isn't computer or technology related.
Mainly just as a hobby, but I do lots for friends and small business to help set up security for them. My job as a Broadband Network tech, while not actively involved in security, does entail being knowledgeable in the subject (it also means several 1 meg modems dotted about the house for various laptop and pc useage, in the name or research ) Kev
This may come as a surprise, but I do have a real job. Not in the IT bussiness, but got interested in computer security a few years back and found the more you learn, you find out there is lots more to learn. So now Í'm a computerboard"junkie" Regards, Pieter
I'm not involved in the IT field, per se. My background is very different from others who post here, judging by what I read. I had my own word processing business when phone modems were cutting-edge technology, around '88-'90. I spent a lot of years using typewriters, and first saw computers as VERY fancy typewriters I've been on-line for about 3 1/2 years. I'm fascinated by the intangible quality of Internet technology...its virtuality and its temperament. I think it will be regarded as a breakthrough communications medium on the same level as the telegraph machine and the telephone, when viewed in the context of history by those in the future (unless it already is). I'm involved in Internet philosophy, if there is such a thing, but definitely at the low end of the knowledge scale around here when it comes to Internet technology. mj
ummmm maybe a year now dont seem that long mayybe even longher i lurked at pauls two other bords i got involved after a seriouse attack that wiped out my hard drive had some help from paul and feed back got more involved after yet another attack that bypass a ton of security and algain wiped my hard drive then fan j and joosky took alot of there personal time out to help me with stuff unicorn and check out help me out alot to and so did technodrome and later prince serndipedy lol yup its an adictive hobby
For me computer security is a hobby, but my real job is in computer security (and yes, I'm considered a guru by friends and relatives). Started by being the company wizkid (I was the one with a Sinclair Spectrum). Then after growing up I became an IT auditor and I'm a security manager now. That's from 9 to 5. Outside the office hours the same activities count as hobby, don't they?
Well after several years I am still searching for the botton that turns the computer off............an worse yet, each time I visit the supermarket an request where are the "applets" they load me up with apples.......I do manage to find "cookies"...fig bars mostly.......but hey, I'm trying! The Snowman
Living in the Ozark Hills of Missouri, anybody that can do more than email and type a letter in Word is automatically a Guru. I've had some interesting experiences after someone said, "hey, can you take a look at my computer? Something happened and now all kinds of strange things are going on." Security is a hobby that I take seriously, but I only have three security programs loading at boot. Works well for me.
(looks at the picture LWM posted) ewwww....LOL! i remember typing on something like that. It use to freak me out just getting set up to type out the orders on it. You couldn't type out full words...they had to be abbreviated because each key stroke cost money......then after you hit the "send" message....it wouldn't be until the next day before it was translated and sent back (that was for over-sea orders). heh...~LOL~ i just dated myself! i just love the learning and sharing of knowledge, whether it's just about the computer or specific security app's. root....i am betting you are still getting those "interesting experiences" i am sitting here now waiting for my mom to call and let me know if her win98 has booted...i just taught her what "safe mode" was this morning over the phone! hehehe! snap
It's a hobby for me in spite of some people telling me that I should get a life! My wife thinks it's great because she's smart enough to realize the importance of on-line security!
Just a long-term noob but I'm a careful person and I think I keep my machine pretty clean and probably a goo ddeal more secure than the avergaae joe; and my relatives and friends come to me for advice.. of course if I dunno I just check out the wilders forums or ask... One of the great things about this forum; guys like me can share our little input here and there and get great professional knowledge and help usually within an hour or two of posting a
Although not a techy but a casual user, most of my time on internet would be spent on security stuff. For example, from about 35 scans with Ad-aware1.62 I have never had a kill. Just hopin' I will be able to cope if the day should arrive. What I'm saying is every run so far has been clean.
I am strictly a novice, but I really enjoy problem solving and gettings things (i.e. computers) back to where they should be or (better yet) keeping them from going bonkers in the first place. bob