How Good Is This Reg Protection...

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by dja2k, Jan 14, 2006.

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  1. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    How good is the registry protection of just using Safe'N'Sec 2.0 and RegRun Gold?

  2. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I don't know about SafenSec but with RegRun Gold your registry is well protected IF & ONLY IF...

    1) You have Watchdog running.

    2) You have checked custom settings for RegRun's Registry Tracer to ensure that all of the *sensitive* registry items are protected, per the list on the Wilder's thread (hojtsy post) located HERE

    The GRRREAT thing about RegRun for registry protection is that Registry Tracer can be configured to add/delete the items to be protected. The hojtsy list is the best I have found. If you use it to configure Registry Tracer, you will have good protection. However, if you are paranoid &/or a high-risk user, then I recommend you use RegDefender. Why? Because RegRun's Watchdog polls, whereas RegDefender hooks. There's a Wilder's-based info/support forum about RegDefender HERE.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2006
  3. dja2k

    dja2k Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2005
    South Texas, USA
    Thanks a lot for your reply and the link. Just wanted to know what people thought. I already knew about the difference between regrun and regdefend protection as one is before the registry write and one is after. I have used regdefend before, just don't know if I wanted to keep it or not. What about MJ Registry Watcher, do you think its as good as regdefend?

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2006
  4. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    RegWatcher is THE best of the free registry protectors, IMHO. However RegWatcher is a poller. Therefore, it's not the equal of RegDefender.

    By the way, although I greatly respect RegDefender, I don't use it personally.
  5. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005

    Both good products - I have a free Beta tester's lics for SNS and RegRun.

    As a preferance I have settled on RegRun even though it is a poll based sys.

    It seems to cover more of the registry than a lot of products - I have been trying Regdefend for the last week or so - because I bought AppDefend - looks very good - but I'm not sure I keep any more than the free version.

    Playing around with DefenseWall I did notice changing the proxy setting gets picked up every time by Regrun but not by RegDefend - not usre about SNS as that's not installed at the moment
  6. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    SnS hookes the registry areas that it covers. I actually like having a combo like SnS (or Prevx1, Online Armor, or RegDefend) and RegRun.. the most critical registry areas are covered in realtime, and the extended options are covered by polling. You're more likely to encounter changes in the more extended areas with installations, which makes the polling more convenient because it will present you with all the changes at once, rather than interrupting the installation.
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