how do I tighten the sandoboxie to be all sandboxed ?

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by carioca, Aug 9, 2008.

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  1. carioca

    carioca Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2005

    hi, wilderssecurity buddies,

    Is there a way all the softwares in my pc always be under a Sandbox? I don't mean only sandboxed web browser but everything and all web browsers that I use. I use mozilla, seamonkey, opera, maxthon
    and almost never the internet explorer. thus, I can tighten down Sandboxie to the point where only what I want will run in the Sandbox. I let you know my reasons to harden my pc because my kids love to drop in on game sites which give free games but they exchange with a lot of malwares which my kids are generally downloading without the knowledge of the malwares. I have explained what the malwares mean but they are kids and they only want to play. I can't blame them because I was kid once too. I'd appreciate your hints how to configure sandboxie tightly in order to harden it up. best regards.

  2. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    I see that you already posted in the Sandboxie forum..
    Well, I think that there's a better way than using Sandboxie. You can use Returnil(there's a free version). You just install it. Then, when your kids use your computer, you activate it. So everything that your kids download and install will disappear when you reboot your computer, and the computer will return to the state that it was when you activated it. When YOU use the computer, you can turn it off.
  3. carioca

    carioca Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2005
    thanks for the reply. that's right, but here with a different point of view! there it's a support forum. best regards.


    ps: I accepted your suggestion and I started using returnil free.
  4. Doodler

    Doodler Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    Returnil is an option as noted by emperordarius. You may want to note, however, that if a program requires a reboot upon installation, then Returnil is not an option since a reboot returns your system to it's original (pre-download and install) condition.
  5. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    Yes that's why it should be turned on for kids(which shouldn't install anything) while off for him:D
  6. Longboard

    Longboard Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Sydney, Australia
    Heh: I'm having a similar problem : found the 7yo with 20 windows open in FF last night while persuing free games in gamezhero ( in a VM thankfully) :ouch:
    I hadnt realised how far ahead he had got: typing games in search bar then clicking away.... Only left the room for 15 minutes. :cautious:

    If you want a more 'global' sandbox type solution:
    Defence Wall with the run safe and rollback utility
    GES Wall
    even Online Armour: run safe option perhaps

    I think BufferZone might be another.

    Imho sandoxie provides a more app specific approach.
    Dont get me wrong:I use sandboxie and think it is a great tool.
    A kids shortcut to a sandboxed IE ??
    Different log in for them??
    MAybe just returnil locked and loaded for the tin lids IS the go.
    Just have to remeber to reactivate ?? or what ever: haven't used that for a while.

    Returnil has its' advantages and may be exactly what you we need for kids.

    Thought of a VM for each child ?
    ( getting complex now )

    I'll prolly go and get some cheapy box and I have a couple of old monitors sitting around with some old XP discs, then image and load some basic security behind a router : not connected to home network :rolleyes:

    There's no doubt that the 'cloud' will be part of their lives and so need to steer them along...
    It would be a nice thread to continue re setting up kids MS boxes for safety if anyone might like to contribute.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2008
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