Im about to make the big move over to juno 4.0 tommrow but need to call phone company make sure access numbers not local long distance. but how do i tranfer my aol links in fave places to juno 4.0 if it not p[ossiable and i have to resave them do i save them in internet explorer under fave places im lost im an aol dummy and if you know me i got mass links to everything ok and finaly if i tranfer my links to juno or internet fxplorer of my fave places how do i back it up im scared dont want to lose my fave places all that porn 2 years wort gone would suck=)
I'm not sure here, but maybe you can do a search on your machine for the directory where your Favorites are stored at the moment for your AOL. You could then copy that directory to another safe place. On my Windows 98 SE Dutch with Internet Explorer the directory (=folder) for the favorites is: C:\WINDOWS\Favorieten I guess that translated in English that is: C:\WINDOWS\Favorites But maybe it might be much better to wait for someone to jump in who knows more about AOL and who also has the English version of Windows.
Unfortunately, AOL stores its "Favorite Places" in a proprietary format, inside the AOL personal filing cabinet (which is also is a proprietary format). Historically, there have been very few automated tools (read none readily available) to do this. Over the years, I've seen this question a whole lot of times, and was never able to find a good way to do this... Until now. I found this site, from a fairly easy Google search, which surprised me. However, it is not a "fully automated" tool. It does require manual steps. Take a look here: Restricting Java on my PC via Tiny Trojan Trap, I found that this appears to be a safe set of Java classes that you can run from a CMD prompt on your system to convert an exported copy of your favorite places. I tested it and it actually does work. (No one is more surprised than me.) I was able to add a bunch of AOL favs into a new folder in IE's Favorites, and it even maintained the sub-folder and link names. Take a look at it Blaze and let me know if you have any questions. Best Wishes, LowWaterMark
C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\addbook.pfc C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\UrlComment.class C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\ReadUrl.class C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\favorites.pfc C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\Favorites.class C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\AOL Downloads.lnk this is what i done so far
Hi Blaze, The key is to execute that "java..." command in the same folder where you stored all those files ( looks like that is "C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\" ). This is done the easiest from a DOS window. Bring up a DOS window (from Start > Run... > command) and do a "cd C:\Program Files\America Online 8.0\download\" to get to that folder. Then execute the java command they posted in that article. You may have to specify the CD command like this, if the above doesn't work: "cd C:\PROGRA~1\AMERIC~1.0\download" Also, see the IM I sent you also in case you've placed those files in that other desktop folder. (Or, just place all the files right in the top level of "c:\" which is easiest.)
i did it i did it i just needed to dowenload javah plug in woooooo hooooooo hugggggggggggggggggggggggg kiss kisss hugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
will it kinda work but all it did was this Bookmarks Search Engines Hentai Fake celeb Programs Adult links personal Security Message Bord's
Hi MRBlaze, I'm not sure how it is supposed to work and I can't test for you either, but something in your folder looks wrong when I read this: Like I said I'm not sure, but I would expect addbook.pfc in the folder and not as the name of the folder. Regards, Pieter
=( no i think i did it right but see all those dots there supose to be links for every dot if that so why dont they show just the main folder titles show=/
Download the Java Runtime Environment (~5MB) Download the Java Development Kit (~20MB) well maybe i need Download the Java Development Kit (~20MB) but i cant find it all links gives me run around
Blaze, Don't download the full java kits unless you want to become a java developer. It looks like it worked from your screen shot. Each dot is a converted AOL favorite, you have something like 900 dots there... How big is the bookmark.htm file (that's a sign of how much is really in there). In fact, how big is the favorites.pfc file? Are you sure that you got a good save of all your favs out of AOL? Also, have you actually "imported" the bookmark.htm file into IE using the wizard (in IE > File > Import and Export..."), or have you just tried to open it as a normal html file? While I do have the full java development kit on my system, I didn't think that'd be needed. In any case, there is no great worry here. Even if you can't convert it on your system, just mail me the favorites.pfc file (ZIP it up) and I'll convert it for you and return the bookmark.htm file. (You already have me email address.) Keep with it and let me know, LowWaterMark
will i thought i didnt need Java Runtime Environment but i did and it did work on the first part if you go to the very begining of the web site you gave me it has two javah applications to dowenload but i cant find that 20 mb develoment kit its talking about theres so many javah applicattions i dont know which one is which i wish there was a staight link to it oh the file is like 200 k i did the inport thing and it didnd do anything just main folder titles you sure i got your e-mail?
Exporting AOL Favorite Places to IE or Netscape For those interested in being able to convert the Favorite Places from AOL's proprietary Personal Filing Cabinet to either Favorites for use in Internet Explorer, or Bookmarks for Netscape, the procedure linked and described above does work. It just turned out that there was corruption in the exported pfc file, which when corrected, allowed the conversion to work. The full Java "Development Kit" is not needed, just the runtime environment. Amazing how difficult AOL makes it to leave their online service.
lol darn aol always trying to be like microsoft and keep the little newb dowen grrrrr thx so much for your help this will be great when i move to juno ha ha aol in your face lol i wish fan j was here to bask in my glory but i know he will it least visit after all where all family up in here
Blaze, Also go to this FIRST link and do those steps just in case...then if you have problems later on you will have a copy on disk..see me or LowWaterMark. Also... Not suggesting you fork out the $ for the Ripper..but I think you can still do 25 of your favorite porn sites in the demo. Transferring AOL Favorites from Home to School _________________________________ Kiss your ISP good-bye and take your data with you _________________________________ AOL faves to IE faves: FavoRipper 5.0 Supports AOL 4.0 through 8.0. Price: $19.95; demo will import 25 favorites. Using AOL's built-in browser is like reading Hemingway--we did it when we were young and naïve, but we don't admit it. Like many AOLers, I now surf the Web using a standalone copy of Internet Explorer that I load on top of AOL. Problem is, I still have important Web sites, such as, tucked into AOL's Favorite's folder. How do you get them into IE? No sweat. Open AOL, run FavoRipper, tell it which version of AOL you have (select AOL 7.0 if you're running AOL 8.0), and it whips through AOL's Faves and deposits them into IE's in a folder called Imported AOL Favorites. I have helped people use the LeaveAOL thingie and it works good. Glad you figured it out..If you stil with Juno4 you will be using the IE browser.