how do i quickly close all programs that are open?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by 2Dee, Jan 30, 2006.

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  1. 2Dee

    2Dee Guest


    I need some help, how do I quickly close all windows that are open, I'm guesing this can be done with a batch file, and then i can predefine a hotkey to load the batch file. But i'd also want to make exceptions so not all windows are close, anyone knowledgeable on how this can be acommplished? I don't expect to get help, since most of my questions go unanswered, but I'd really appreciate it.
  2. Pull the plug on your computer.
  3. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

  4. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

  5. 2Dee

    2Dee Guest

    Is there any feasible solution? did you guys even read my post? i'm not looking at shareware, or unpluging my computer, and those keyboard shortcuts didnt work.
  6. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    Hi... :)

    What 'windows' are we talking about? Browser or you simply mean multiple programs running at once?

    I don't know about a batch file, but if you have have to go to the trouble of just selecting which to close and keep certain others open, then surely the purpose is defeated. :doubt:

    Having to hit a hotkey to start closing would be no different then simply hitting CTRL W for windows or ALT F4 keys [windows/programs] as the following windows/programs will keep jumping into focus as each previous is closed, which can be easily done with one hand while other is on mouse deselecting any you want kept.

    another tip: Holding the CTRL key down, left click on all the unwanted windows/programs showing on task bar [this will group them], and then right click and select CLOSE GROUP, this way, you do NOT click on the ones you want kept open and only the ones CTRL/LeftClick will be selected to be then group closed.

    personally I simply just keep hitting ALT/F4 with left hand, keeping right on mouse and if a window moves in focus I do not want closed, just click on the next one I do want.

    I cannot think of any program/file to do what you want, as never had to need to use it.

    have a Google on it, maybe something in there.

    Cheers, TAS

    PS: You may find something in here: See FAQ 1682 if you are familiar with scripting. ;) Don't know if this will help in your particular instance.

    Luck. :)
  7. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    hey whoa there.... snowie gave a reply while I was typing mine, now if this did not work then a quote like "did you guys even read my post?" which sounds very patronising, does not help. ok?

    try those things I gave you, then, if you do not have a satisfactory outcome, post back saying it did not work, but 'thanks' for the advice so far. ;)

  8. Snowie

    Snowie Guest

    An you wonder why your posts go un-answered...........
  9. sdfsdf

    sdfsdf Guest

    I did not appreciate the first comment I assume he was just being sarcastic, but i'm not in the mood for sarcasm. And because practically every forum I've been too, users never bother to read up for a proper solution, I'm so tired of getting my questions unanswered.

    okay I do appreciate the suggestions, you and snowie gave me, but none of them really aided my situation.

    I guess this is the time where I get no more replies and my question slowly goes down the page. :|
  10. Tassie_Devils

    Tassie_Devils Global Moderator

    May 8, 2002
    State Queensland, Australia
    Fair enough, it's not what you are looking for then!

    that's about all I can tell you. You must really want to close windows super fast simultaneously if ALT/F4ing is too slow or the Close Group tip on task bar does not appeal to you.

    Good luck in your search.

  11. 2Dee

    2Dee Guest

    Yes, I've been dying to know why my posts go un-answered...........

  12. 4334

    4334 Guest

    You can close and open applications with a .bat file.
  13. 4334

    4334 Guest

    for instance - edit this and save as off.bat

    taskkill /IM yztoolbar.exe /IM ePrompter.exe /IM MBM5.exe /IM Trillian.exe /F
  14. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Suppose you have a MS Word .doc file open, which isn't saved yet.
    Which decision has the "super close button" (if there is one) to make ?
    Closing with saving or without saving ?
  15. 4334

    4334 Guest

    Obviously you save it before hitting the superoff.bat button
  16. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003

    I have to admit your question doesn't make much sense to me either. Hate to say it but my first reaction was pull the plug also. How many windows do you have open that just clicking the window x box is that big a problem.

    Maybe the reason you aren't getting any good answers is that your question doesn't make sense. What is it you are doing, and why do you need this. An explanation might help get you a better answer.

  17. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    In that case I prefer to close my windows one by one. So I can see which windows I'm closing.
  18. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    A question: in what manner do you want them closed?
    Do you want to force close them, without regard to your work, or do you just need to temporarily hide them from someone (for the sake of privacy) or are you too lazy to close them one by one?
    Some answers:
    Privacy - you can create a shortcut to a screensaver (with password).
    Laziness - no advice there.
    Force close - you can write a .bat as mentioned or, open Task Manager, go to applications tab, select all applications and click End Task.
  19. Infinity

    Infinity Registered Member

    May 31, 2004

    Laziness - ask someone to close them for you :D
  20. 4334

    4334 Guest

    I don't. I used to game often and I had an off batch file which turned off my antivirus ect. And an 'ON" bat which turned them all back on when finished gaming.

    NICK ADSL UK Administrator

    May 13, 2003
    IE New Window Maximizer is ideal for those who need to play around with maximizing of windows or for closing of IE via a shortcut and can be found here.
  22. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    OK 4334. I guess everybody has his own needs. I'm not a gamer, I work mainly with MS Office.
    Sometimes I close documents and spreadsheets with saving, sometimes without saving and these windows are often mixed with a bunch of open websites. If some websites were hard to find, I like to store the link first.
    So closing one by one is safer for me, but in your case I assume it's much easier to have an OFF/ON.bat. :)

    P.S. : I like the proposed solution in this thread, if you are too lazy.
  23. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I notice the original poster 2dee has never come back. Wonder if we had a troll at work, as opposed to someone really needing help?
  24. beetlejuice69

    beetlejuice69 Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    I vote for troll. ;)
  25. 2Dee

    2Dee Guest

    So how to you do this for lets say firefox.. or an opened folder? because i tried changing it to /IM firefox.exe and it does not work... :(
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