How do I find my posts?

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by NetWatchman, Jul 30, 2002.

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  1. NetWatchman

    NetWatchman Security Expert

    Jul 24, 2002
    Is there a way to quickly find the threads that I've posted to?
  2. jmn1207

    jmn1207 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2002
    You can select the "Notification" button for any post that you would like to track and you can have an email sent to you when someone responds. You can also check for replies to notification marked messages by selecting the "notification" button at the top of this page sandwiched between the "profile" and "logout" buttons.


  3. Click on your own name in this thread..go to the bottom of the page..hit the go button and it will list your last 10 post or what ever quantity you wish... go to the one you are interest..and from there you can link back to the compelte thread whether you started that thread or just post in it.

    You can also do the same thing with any other member of the Forum since you are a member.

    Interesting that you can also do it as a non-member ;)
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