How do I filter out the things, that concern me the least, in logs.

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by Ed Issapoint, Sep 1, 2008.

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  1. Ed Issapoint

    Ed Issapoint Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    There was 1 200 000 lines (or so) in the log after an on demand scan. Nine of these were red ...I think (because I haven't found them yet). I hope I am not expected to scroll back and forth between these false positives, huh?

    When I am exporting the log, there are no options, except for .txt or .xml. Am I supposed to export several million lines of xml code when there are only nine lines that interest me?

    Nod has crashed twice now, just trying to access the logs. I did manage to export the log, but I am just to scared to open it.

    I know there must be a way to filter the logs, right? There could have been a "next/previous" button for discrepant events, or sumtin' ...cause it would be interesting to see what archives, catalouges and files Nod was unable to check (i.e. risk zones; unscanned territory), but it seems like Nod doesn't want to have anything to do with me, what so ever, as if it was "his" job to be responsible for the security of my machine.

    It is not! It's my job! Nod is just a tool that's refusing to cooperate, like a hammer without a handle or an electric screwdriver that spinns the other way. It is extreamly annoying when there's so much potential in a software and it is not utilized.

    Thank You!
  2. Thankful

    Thankful Savings Monitor

    Feb 28, 2005
    New York City
    Enter the advanced setup tree:
    1. Under 'On-demand computer scan', click on 'Threatsense engine parameter setup', Choose 'Other', Make sure 'Log all objects' is blank.

    2. Under Tools->Log Files->Minimum logging verbosity:,
    Select 'Informative records'
  3. Ed Issapoint

    Ed Issapoint Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    (SOLVED - sort of)How do I filter out the things, that concern me the least, in logs.

    I just discovered this:
    it's actually a flash animation/slideshow and not a banner or picture as shown here

    That confirms it! I swear I've never seen this ad before. Maybe I did see it somewhere and caught it by subconscious perception? Or maybe it was just a coincidence? Anyhow, Esets products is not for me, I want to learn what is happening and to have the feeling that I am in control of my machine. Not the other way around.

    I also just heard about esets one-way firewall. That is not something I could live with. I didn't think they were still in development. Even Vista blocks outgoing I heard.

    I would never allow any piece of code anywhere outside the network adapter without my consent - if I could help it. Why would I let applications like WM Player spontaneously access the web without asking me for permission first? Because it wants to download thumbnails, ratings and copyright information? Not to mention so called "updates". There's always some packet that slips through no matter how many security updates you've downloaded or how many rootkit scanners you're setting up - unwanted meta stuff always finds a way in through unattended firewalls that doesn't block outgoing, I'll tell ya. And maybe I'm wrong, well, it doesn't matter really... Because I can afford that.

    But can you afford it, if I am right?

    Since 2001 there has been around 25 to 30 thousand vulnerabilities and exposure issues that are defined as "common", and probably even more than an equal amount that are uncommon, under investigation, still undefined or unknown. By 2006 not even five thousand of these countless integrity flaws was supported by the closed source code companies (Microsoft etc). That is not even ten percent if my estimation above has any similarity to reality.

    And whether it does or not, is for you to judge for yourself.

    Thankful! ...thank You!

    But why not diagnostic records?
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