How do I configure Jetico v1 with uTorrent?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by php111, Sep 2, 2008.

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  1. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007
    Hello everyone,

    I just got out of PM with a member from here. We have been PMing for a couple of days now. I was actually afraid to post this topic. He said there won't be any bannings if I keep the p2p generic. He also said he was the first person to start Jetico here.

    As I done some searches for portwarding/configuring Jetico v1 for uTorrent. I couldn't find anything to help me. I would like to ask, how do I configure Jetico for uTorrent? I would like to try to open ports. It seems like every port I try to open in uTorrent it's closed. That is in uTorrent. I don't know how to use Jetico to begin with. I don't want to try another FW. I have been switching from this to that in the last couple of days. I had enough so I stick with Jetico v1 (freeware). What port should I try with uTorrent if none work for me? Are there anyways to configure Jetico? I remember back when I had ZAP. I followed the tutorial at to configure with uTorrent. My speeds no lie dropped over 100% down. It was slower then now. Right it's pretty slow. Below is the link for the search I did.
  2. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Hello fellow member.

    Just a quick one as I haven't got much time at the moment. We will continue this later. I use Jetico on one of my PCs (although v2) with utorrent, so this should be a breeze to set up.
    With utorrent, there is a need now to open 1 inbound port for TCP and UDP, bind local port range for outbound (a need here to change some "advanced" settings in utorrent), have UDP out port (6771) for LPD (local peer discovery) and of course a remote http, presumably for auto-updates as well as the built-in utorrent "search" feature.
    But first a router. Do you have one? If you do, please visit, it will help to port forward TCP and UDP port of your choice (if possible in the ephemeral range) for most router brands and models. When you are finished, we can move on to making a Jetico utorrent table.

  3. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007
    huh? yes I have a router/modem combo. Everytime I try to do this it doesn't work. I have no clue how to do this. I just got a reply from one of the Mods at Smokey's Jetico forums. He can only give info but he won't be able to give me step by step instructions because he is using v2 now and not v1. It seems like I am not understanding. I tried both ways with a router and through FW. Never again use for a FW. It made my speeds suffer. I used it for my router never noticed a difference. I still get slow speeds so I just reset my router back to default. If portforwarding won't work for me then what will? I am not going to switch to another FW. Do I have to suffer with my speeds now? Nothing else is working for me. This is the second forum I have a thread on and with all the info I am not understanding.

  4. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007

    if you are behind a NAT (and you are, according to your post) you have to portforward a TCP and UDP port to your LAN IP for utorrent to work properly.
    You would first need to fix your LAN IP for portforwarding to work. I was assuming this was already done, so didn't mention, but let's get this straight now as well - is your internal IP fixed or you're still using the DHCP service? If you have troubles understanding or accomplishing this please post info from "ipconfig /all" (type the quoted in command prompt). Don't forget to mask your DNS servers and Physical addresses, it is not healthy to post this kind of info in the open forum. We need to look at your IP and the gateway's LAN IP here. If you prefer, you can use the PM feature of vBulletin.
    When this is all done (fixing the IP and portforwarding to that IP), creating rules in Jetico is done as per my previous post. Very easily. Jetico is not the culprit here, the problem is "in front".

  5. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007

    I sent you a PM on this forum.

  6. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007

    I got your PM and tried sending one back and your PM box is full. I will try to send the copy back in a few to see if you cleared out your box. I saved the copy that I tried writing you.
  7. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    Hello php111.

    Let's start from the top. First to fix the IP.
    From the "Control Panel" open "Network Connections". Dclick on your NIC (connection) and select "Properties" button on next window. Select "TCP/IP" and click on "Properties" button again -


    You should end up with this -


    Enter the values you see in the screenshot in the corresponding fields. Now, for DNS server, I left that empty as I didn't want to compromise, so you would have to enter the numbers (in the red squared fields) from the line from "ipconfig/all" that says "DNS server......." Press "ok", then "close" to apply the changes. No reboot required, your IP is fixed to

    I will now show how to enter the port range for outbound connections in "advanced" settings in utorrent, so it will not connect on random ports. The ruleset will be tighter, and utorrent will work just fine. A screenshot from utorrent "prefernces" -


    A few hundred ports for outbound will do the job.

    Next is portforwarding, I have just seen your PM with a router model, so I will be back with the info on portforwarding. Router brand and model are not compromising info, so I may give a link with instructions for that specific model.

    Jetico rules are last to setup, I will show with screenshots, but first a confirmation from you.

  8. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    I have showed how to set outbound ports for utorrent. Here is the link showing how to set inbound port in utorrent's "preferences", and detailed info on portforwarding for WCG200. You will, of course, have to use the same port number in both utorrent and router, and the IP we fixed ( in router setup. There is no specific port to recommend, all ports and ranges are acceptable for inbound and outbound, but certainly avoid to go below 1024.
    Now Jetico rules, I need to install on a VM...
  9. php111

    php111 Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2007

    I never use that site for two reasons in order. 1 it doesn't work for me 2 I don't understand it. Wait, I was honestly on that site over a month ago trying to do it. Third, everytime I setup static I never get internet.
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