host help

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Bethrezen, Oct 12, 2002.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    iv been usin hosttess to manage my host file and i added the host file from s.martin and now i have a host file with 18083 entrys

    how ever this presents me with a problem as i am usin sb 4.75 i have no way to make sb use my host file which means i need to search through the host file that hosttess made and deleat the 10688 entrys that sb already has

    so that i only add the entrys that sb doent have how ever searchin througth 18083 entrys one by one is a very slow process and i have nither the time nore the pationts requiered and i was wonder if anyone knows of a quicker easer way in which i can find and get rid of the unwanted entrys

    i already posted this at the sb forum but i though i would try here to as more people on this forum
  2. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
    Hostess will do that for you.

    However, you do need to use Hostess to import new Hosts file entries (File > Import).

    After doing that, press "Write Hosts" and Hostess will add the new entries to your actual Hosts file, and duplicates will be ignored.

    If you added stuff to your Hosts file bypassing Hostess, that won't work.

    In that case delete the contents of your Hosts file, and start anew.

  3. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Tony,

    Wouldn't that mean that you still have to go through your Hosts file for all those 10688 entries that are already in SpyBlocker, even when using Hostess?
    I mean: you still have to put yourself every one of those 10688 entries in the Search option of Hostess.
    Or am I making a mistake now?

    I have to add that I myself have almost no knowledge of SpyBlocker (oops, sorry!).

    If I'm indeed right, then I guess that you would need to have the both lists of Hosts and SpyBlocker, and some automatical way to compare them and delete the items in Hosts that are already in SP.......
  4. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Fastnet99 could quickly eliminate these duplicates.
  5. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Some more info on fastnet99

    FastNet99 is a network utility that will speed up your web browser every time you want to connect to a web site on the Internet, by avoiding time consuming DNS lookups. It provides all the tools you need to help diagnose network problems and get information about users, hosts and networks on the Internet or on your Intranet. It combines DNS Lookup, Ping, TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Time Synchronizer, KeepAlive and more...
    Communications on Internet are based on IP addresses. An IP address is the address of a TCP/IP stack, so if your machine runs a TCP/IP stack, it will have an IP address. When you dial up, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assignes you an IP address. An example of IP address is, that is a sequence of digits that aren't very easy to remind. Therefore when you make your request to your web browser you use the URL address, for example "". Your browser may know the IP address associated with the URL simply making a DNS request.

    DNS (Domain Name Server) is a service offered by your ISP; it consists of a huge table of URL names and the corresponding IP addresses, so your browser may know what is the correct IP to use for satisfying your request. However, a DNS server cannot hold all exisisting URL-IP addresses but it is linked to other DNS's throughout the world in a hierarchical manner. In other words your web server may ask for informations to another linked DNS until it reaches a "master" DNS server that should have the complete list of IP addresses (there are only 5 "master" DNS servers in the world). This means that your request could imply many requests to other DNS servers while you are expecting for the right reply.

    FastNet99 is based on the same idea; it holds a local table of DNS-IP addresses (the Hosts file located on your Windows directory) and tell your browser to check that table before asking the DNS at your ISP. Therefore there is a local search without generating TCP/IP network traffic at all. DNS lookups occur whenever you use URL for finding an Internet resource - so mail, FTP, gopher, IRC can all benefiit.

    You can manage the table of URL-IP address, by adding entries you are interested in. If you add those DNS lookups that take the longest time to satisfy them, you can take a greater advantage of it.

    Besides, you can block unwanted sites by adding entries to the hosts file with the Local IP Address ( Your machine will not be permitted to seek access to these servers via the Internet, because it will direct your browser to the local computer in search of these sites. Since these are not on your local computer the servers will not be contacted. In this way you can block ads and spyware
  6. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi tony

    i think ya have miss understud what i was askin iv already had hosttess make a new host file for me usin the import/write new file ability

    however now i need a way to make sb use the new host file now as this ability dosnt excist in sb 4.75 i need to add the extra entrys manualy through spy blockers setup screen however in order that i dont add entrys that already excist i need to eliminate the entrys that sb already contains

    which means i need to have an automatic way to compare the 2 host files (the one hosttess made and spyblockers oridional host file) and delete the entrys in the hosttess host file that are already listed in the spyblocker host file so then the only entrys that would be left in the hosttess host file are the ones that are not listed in spyblocker now i can do this one at a time through windows word pad however this is very slow and time consuming and i was wonderin if there is a faster easer way to find and eliminate the unneeded entrys

    "Wouldn't that mean that you still have to go through your Hosts file for all those 10688 entries that are already in SpyBlocker, even when using Hostess?
    I mean: you still have to put yourself every one of those 10688 entries in the Search option of Hostess"

    i think fanj is right
  7. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The answer lies in the post above yours.
    Fastnet will go through those 18,000+ entries and eliminate any duplicates.
  8. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi micky

    hope ya got some more bright ideas coz i just tryed what ya sergested with no luck coz it removes all of the host file formating so i cant tell where the entrys i added start and end
  9. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    You said you had 18,000+ entries and wanted duplicates removed, right ?
    This is what Fastnet99 does.

    It will handle blocking entries the way SB does by putting in front of entries or speeding surfing by adding any entries you want such as your favourites.
  10. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi micky

    i think ya missin my point

    lets start again ok now in sb 4.75 there are 2 way to add more hosts manualy or by importing correct however in sb 4.75 the import ability dont work right so i need to do it manualy ya with me so far

    ok which means

    i need to have an automatic way to compare the 2 host files
    (the one hosttess made and spyblockers oridional host file)

    and delete the entrys in the hosttess host file that are already listed in the spyblocker host file so then this would leave me with a list of 7395 entrys that i could then manualy add to my custom block list

    the problem with what you sergested is that it removes the host file formatting witch means i cant tell where the entrys i added to sb start and finish which means that again im left with the same problem determing which of the 7395 entrys out of the 18083 entrys are the ones that need adding to spyblocker

    im sorry if its not worded to well and i apolagise if it sounds a lil condasending but its 6am and im sleepey and im tryin to make it very simple and clear as to what my trouble is so that i can find a salution

    neway nite
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