Help with ZAP support

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Tiger_Barb, Feb 5, 2003.

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  1. Tiger_Barb

    Tiger_Barb Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Hi All,
    Hopefully someone can help meo_Oo_O I had a license key for ZAP and it was getting ready to expire, so when it would promt me to renew I would just hit the remind me later button as I was having money problems. Took care of my money problem, so I got a new license key ($39.95, I didn't know at this time I could renew for far less) and d/l ZAP and installed it, for the first couple of days everthing was all right......then under the overview page, it told me my license has expired....I went to the ZA page and tried to re-download, I logged in and was told I didn't have auth to d/l this program....Sent ZA the following email (I bought ZAP online 1/29/03, the control panel says my license is expired. I went to the download again page and it said I was not authorized to view that page.......) on 2 Feb....Still haven't got a answer yet...... If someone can help with this problem I would be in thier debt forever.......If someone can help, I'll email them my order number and license key number......


    T Barb

    CARCHARODON Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2002
    Portland, Or. USA
    You might try posting your question over on the zonelabs forum.

    also, I wouldn't email anybody your license number.
  3. Tiger_Barb

    Tiger_Barb Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002

    I'll go take a look over there....(I'd only email my license number to a few select people here).....


    T Barb
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi T Barb,

    CARCHARODON is right, that is really the place to get an official answer. But, do let us know what they say over there. This question has come up before.

    In any case, here is just an idea on the problem... Are you sure you installed the new license key and the upgrade didn't just pick up the old one again? You still have the message/page-image with your new key right? (Ex: Xgahd-vgdtr-hdgcb-hakjdh-jahdgf. Note, this is not a real key, just a sample.)

    In ZA, what do the license information and support & update sections show for you? Is that the new key being displayed there? (Mine is mostly blanked out in the screen image for obvious reasons.)

    Interested in what you hear,

    Attached Files:

  5. Tiger_Barb

    Tiger_Barb Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    LowWaterMark you are lovely,
    Went to my overview page, it had the old license key number....updated to the new one and guess whato_O? I got 359 day's until my license expires.......Feel like sort of a dummy right now, some thing so simply as that......but I guess that's why you count on good people to help you out......(you always get that here)....... :)

    Thanks LWM.....

    P.S. When I get an answer for ZA, I'll let you know what they said.......

    T Barb
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hey that's great. Glad it helped! :cool:

    The interesting thing about ZA+/ZAP is that the license information is stored in a hidden file that is deliberately not removed, even if you do a full deinstallation of the product. The file is: zllictbl.dat and it is in the appropriate windows system directory (based upon your OS). It's only a guess, but I think Zone Labs does this to prevent people from losing their license keys when reinstalling the product. By having the old license available there, the installation routine will not ask for a new license key...
  7. jamming

    jamming Guest

    Glad everything worked out for you TigerBarb, feel free to leave a PM for me if you have anymore problems with ZAP oir your license. I general come around here about once a day, as a member of Team-Z's which is ZoneAlarms Volunteer Support Group for their products.

    Thanks for your help LowWaterMark, good people like you make this job easier. :D
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