Help with Legal Notice

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by Bongo264, Aug 28, 2002.

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  1. Bongo264

    Bongo264 Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2002
    Anyone have any ideas on this. I am to institute an audit trail for the legal notice that pops up when you log on to a machine. I don't think there is a way to do it with the one that is built into windowz so does anyone have any ideas? I need something that the user must agree to to enter the system and then must be able to have an audit trail associated with it.

    thanks all this looks to be a cool new forum
  2. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Bongo, can you give more details, please?
  3. Bongo264

    Bongo264 Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2002
    Well what I have is the legal notice that pops up before you log onto the system. It states not to be used buy unauthorized bla bla bla. You then click OK and you are given the og in screen. You must click OK to log in so you are agreeing to the statement to access our systems. I felt this was adequate but my manager thought otherwise and they now want me to somehow attach an audit trial to this statement. Now I don’t think that is possible with the one that is included with Windoze but I could be wrong. If I am right then I was looking for an alternative to the legal notice that would perform the same task but allow an audit trail.

  4. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Can you give us an idea of what kind of system you are taling about? Is this a school setup, Corporate lan, what?
    Also, is this a special program that runs at startup? What OS are you talking about?
  5. Bongo264

    Bongo264 Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2002
    this is part of the windows OS. I am setting it up for our corporate lan and i need some way to form an audit trail for a legal notice that pops up before login. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->SOFTWARE-->MICROSOFT-->WINDOWS NT-->CURRENTVERSION-->WINLOGON--> LegalNoticeCaption (and) LegalNoticeText. Follow that into the registery and you will see the legal notice. By default it is blank and you see nothing but if you add text it will pop up before logon. This is used to get a user to agree to certain legal restriction before usage. Now I think this is enough but my boss does not he wants some sort of AUDIT TRAIL to have proof that the user cliked on the agreement. I dont think that is possibe with this option I was hopeing someone else would have some insight. Maybe another solution....
  6. Does not sound like he wants a "proof of click log" but rather something have a field that a user types a sentence that logs.

    Or keylogger or many other ways...and why not in Windows?

    Still do not know your OS or system set you want it on the machine or all held in a master.
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