Help with EZ Antivirus

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Colyn, Nov 28, 2005.

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  1. Colyn

    Colyn Guest

    Hello -

    I have Java exploit and Java shinwow malicious entities on my computer. My anti-virus software is the free trial version of the EZ Antivirus. An error of some sort occured because while the program identifies the entities as infected, it does not clean them off the machine.

    After working with their online tech support reps, and removing and then re-installing the EZ application, it still will not clean the infected files. However, a newer problem has arisen. The rep advised me to go to Start>Control Panel>Java Plug-Ins and open it up. When I do, I receive a 'General Error' and it will not open.

    Can anyone provide some assistance with how to 1) fix these problems and 2) remove the evil entiies? Thanks!
  2. Albinoni

    Albinoni Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    Perth, Western Australia
    So didn't your AV software or etrust automatically remove these when it was detected. Are there any seperate etrust removal tools that you can download.

    You may have to delete these manually, i.e follow their path in the C drive and than delete them or it from the specified path. It's my understanding that not all viruses can be deleted automatically by a AV scanner so the other option is to delete it manually.

    For java exploit:

    For java shinwow:

    Also try running MS Antispyware and Spybot S & D and see what happens.
  3. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004

    You don't tell us the filepath of your bugs. AVs will not delete within your Java cache, which is where they are likely to be.

    You should be able to empty your Java cache by following these instructions:-

    However it will depend on the version of Java you are running; so if in doubt just D/L and run CCleaner which should do the job for you:-
  4. Colyn

    Colyn Guest

    Thanks for the info -

    The AV software didn't remove them. I only noticed the problem in the first place when the Microsoft Security Tray Icon indicated that I had no active Virus protection. When I opened the EZ AV, it agreed that it was inactive, but would not let me re-activate it.

    The tech folks walked me through removing, restarting, operating in safe mode, etc. and now the EZ AV is active again for scanning. It will scan, and recognize the files, but not clean them.

    I was going to delete them manually, but when I go to the file path listed in the EZ AV scan, I get as far as C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\, but then it says the files are in a continuing folder string that starts with 'Application Data.' There is no Application Data folder in the <user name> folder, so how do I find these files? I found on CA's website this:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1. 0\jar\

    And that's kind of what the entity file paths look like. But... How do I get to them when the App Data folder doesn't show up?

    The MS Antispyware and Spybot S & D both had no affect, but I'm not sure that it is spyware related, it seems the only affects thus far were the temporary disabling of the EZ AV software (which is fixed) and the disabling of the Java Plug-Ins in Control Panel (not fixed).
  5. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004
    AVs do not delete within your Java cache, you must do that manually, or get CCleaner to do it for you.

    To find your 'Application Data' file you would need to unhide your hidden files, as explained here:-

    You should also obtain the latest version of Java by going here and installing it:-

    When you've done that it is advisable to uninstall any old Java versions by using Start/Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs
  6. Colyn

    Colyn Guest

    This is fantastic, thank you! I will try that as soon as I get home from work. Then I can delete the files manually. Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
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