Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by hamed_tay, Jun 29, 2008.

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  1. hamed_tay

    hamed_tay Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    i use deep freeze and i have some folder that must change when my system is log on or after restart with out any changes after reboot i mean how can i keep a specific folder from freezing in deep freeze and have its changes after reboot .. i have just a few folder but i steel want to protect all my drives just whith out these folder ( i cant change the patch or move it to another location it is the auto save of a base program like mysql)
  2. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    DeepFreeze won't allow any changes to any folders to be kept after reboot. What you can do is put the folders that you want to keep changes into a partition/drive that is not frozen (I personally use a USB Drive when I'm surfing frozen. Strictly speaking DeepFreeze will protect you at best when everything is frozen.

    Alternatively there's a tool from Faronics:

    " Faronics Mapping Tool is a utility that allows volumes to be mapped to folders.

    Mounted volumes function as stand-alone drives, making data more accessible and providing flexibility in managing files according to specific environments and system usage. Mapping Tool makes mapping folders an absolutely hassle-free procedure and takes operating system maintenance and user change management to an entirely new level.

    Faronics Mapping Tool was specifically designed for use with Deep Freeze. Mapping Tool can dynamically change data in selected portions or specific folders in a Frozen partition. This tool can be used to keep entire user profiles in a Thawed state so individual users can retain their personal data, settings, and favorites, while keeping the operating system partition Frozen."

    I haven't tried it, but it might be the answer to your problem.
  3. hamed_tay

    hamed_tay Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    tanx man if i will have some problem i will post to you or here
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