I know a few experts have been running za And are real pros. canyou pleas post your settings so i can configure mine to match im running windows me and AOL i want all settings including strange ones. that is if your up to it. id relly alprechiate it
My settings for ZA were set over one year ago LOL : 1. uncheck start with windows LOL. 2. Close it LOL. 3. Reboot LOL. 4. Uninstall LOL Sorry, LOL that's how i feel about this one. LOL But someone will come along and help you out ! LOL
Blaze, there really aren't any settings to make, apart from which skin! Install it, take all the defaults, then let it prompt you whenever a program wants to access the Net or act as a server. You say yes or no, that's all!
I will have to agree with Puff M-D and MTM. Tried Z.A. got fed up with the large footprint- 10mgs and went out and installed Kerio pfw. Cost : FREE I think its going to be the best. Have also tried Outpost Pro- Leaks too much and you'll have to pay the piper after 1 year of use. Old Murve
MR Blase you specifically requested that others share possible setting for zone alarm that could possibly be of interest or use to you. an a few negetive comments followed that were in no way related to your request. Mr Blase there are in fact a few settings that are helpful to zone alarm users. So please allow me to encourage you to continue searching. to avoid a debate on the usefulness of zone alarm or lack thereof...... I personally prefer not to post any setting that I may know of. imo this is a case where a user will be deprived......certainly that the program(zone alarm)
By all means Snowman, go ahead post these settings as i'm sure Mr Blaze needs all the help he can get.
Mickey Lol.....no thanks....I've been around alittle to long to fall for that one....lol..........my one comment on the subject was also my last comment...... by the way....hope all is going great with you....seeya...
baby blaze tackles snow man =) oh no you dont tell blaze you aint going no where must i tie you in chair and play barney the dinosoure 24 - 7 till you crack=)
MR BLASE seems I owe you an apology.... the settings I was referring to were for McAffee.......not zone alarm. humbly...an publically.....I admit that this was a mistake on my part.....I strive for honesty in my dealings with others so must therefore advise you of my mistake. this does not in anyway change my belief that when a person requests help with a program.....help should be extended if at all possible....an not negetive replys that do not address the request. That may not be a popular belief....nevertheless when a person needs help negetive replys can be very depressing. regards snowman
mr.blaze - I'd help you with it if I could, but I've never run ZAPro (ran the free version for quite awhile). Surely, with as many people as are running ZAPro, there must be a user group somewhere? I know a few of the other firewall manufacturers have online help groups, where people can find examples of settings to go by from other users, so I'm sure ZA does, too. Best of luck! Pete
Blaze, I really don't know what you're asking for here. Do you have a problem which needs solving, or are you just guessing that there are some kind of turbo settings you'd like to know about?
lol snow man fiunaly got tired of the barney purple dinosoure songlol id new hed crack every one does blaze shakes his rattle. will on another thread i saw some one said they disabled flash files stuff like that potintualy dangeriuose stuff with za pro
Things like cookie control, ad blocking, mobile code blocking, are really up to you to decide. Nobody here can give you recommended settings (except to say you might as well take the defaults). Whether or not you block Javascript depends on how it affects you personally - maybe there are many sites you visit which won't run without it. Can't help you, pal. Experiment!
will i experimented and now im _----_-- on the run za is on fire 1000 alerts and my hard drive is shooting out black smoke lol thx=) lol lol lol lol