In the limited testing I do, it is proving excellent at blocking bad websites. Using Malware Domain List, and yes I know there are better, out of 25 sites I got this.
I am pretty sure I don't have the time to use some of the Rapid 7's posted exploits and paid for exploits but I am sure some younger people here or other developers might. I do know some developers here do use them to improve their software. And now they are no small company.
Does / how does Heimdal protect if connected to a nasty website domain that is NOT on the Malware Domain List?
Thanks, got it running with the heimdaldemo01 code Btw, the release notes are outdated:
I'm very glad you're finding it helpful! Do let me know if you have any questions about the product. I'd be happy to help!
By analyzing your outbound and inbound Internet traffic, Heimdal will detect if the server that you're requesting is part of cyber criminal infrastructure (the information being stored in our database, along with the Malware Domain List). If it does detect that, Heimdal will block communication between your PC and the malicious server, preventing data exfiltration and additional infections. Heimdal's web scanning engine is separate from the malware engine, but both work in conjunction to keep you protected, along with the silent and automatic patching engine that keeps your software up to date to protect you from exploits and Zero Day vulnerabilities.
Keen eye! The reason for this is that we're planning to launch a new version of the website very, very soon, complete with a strong support page, which will list all these details. Thanks for the feedback and for noticing!
Thanks Andra. The response I got from Heimdal: There is no connection between our software and Malware Domain List. We have our own database, which is huge. From this DB Heimdal takes his data and blocks the infected addresses. I suppose my question is: What protection is offered IF an infected address is not in Heimdal's DB?
Hi Bob! Here's a breakdown that might help: Let's say you're browsing and it's been iFramed, so cyber criminals are trying to drop a payload into your computer. Let's remember that the address that you're browsing is not the same with the address that cyber criminals use to infect your PC. If the address that you're browsing is not in the Heimdal database, the address that hosts the infection could be. This is where the web scanning engine will kick in and block access to the infected address. Assuming that neither of these addresses is not in our database, the infection will face the next filter: our malware engine. This engine will scan your files similarly to your antivirus solution, for malware infected items. This will work in conjunction with your antivirus product and will contain threats and potential infections. I hope this helps answer your question. If not, I can get a more technical answer from one of my colleagues and get back to you.
Good Afternoon! Just purchased Heimdal Pro...thanks to Dr Trjam's in House Vaccination Program...Lol! Thanks a bunch Trjam! Super quick install and set-up. This is a general question for the Lovely does Heimdal Pro protect the user during a banking Transaction? This is Part of my Learning Curve. Sincerely...Securon
I am curious too, Heimdal sounds an interesting layer of security, and came across these links referring positively to Heimdal: Heimbal Security detects CryptoWall 3.0 attacks via GoogleDrive Jul 2, 2015 (previously mentioned) reviews Heimdal Cyber Security May 11, 2015 Cyberwire Apr 9, 2015 Vawtrak-Neverquest banking Trojan has resurfaced Mar 25, 2015 More Than Six Million Email Accounts Compromised Nov 26, 2014 The more valid security the better Collaboration proposal with ""
Trying the ''Heimdaldemo01' free version now. Look forward to a tester dispensation (?), else may need to pursue the 'vaccine' option ...
Although not explaining HOW the malware engine works, the response i got from Heimdal: Nevertheless, I must say 800,000 websites/wk (~80/MIN) is incredible.
Heimdal available at BitsduJour today with 70% off
Thought someone might be interested. I tried to find out if Heimdal Pro would work with Sandboxie. Sandboxie support said probably not and Heimdal support said it should. I installed it yesterday and so for it's working fine with SB, Webroot SA, and Malwarebytes Pro, along with a software vpn on W7 Pro x32. I've been running SB with dropped rights for another reason, but I haven't found any problems at all with all modules enabled, and the DNS module is definitely working. Can't tell of any performance hit at all. Qunn
Hi Andra, New question about Heimdal Pro here: In your post quoted above, you mention the Malware Domain List as well as its scanning of outbound and inbound Internet traffic. Now, I am using Norton 360, which has its own protections against landing on dangerous sites (for example, by injecting a page warning you against proceeding into it). If I installed Heimdal Pro on a computer running either Norton 360 or Norton Internet Security, would Heimdal's features supplement the protection provided by Norton, or replace it? I'm wondering how wise or useful it might be to run two programs that each have lists of bad sites. Let me know if I've misunderstood anything there, thanks!
Speaking from my experience only: I’m running Nod32 AV (w/ it’s web protection active) & Heimdal Pro. Heimdal’s protection supplements Nod32’s bad site pop-up warnings. It’s database is vastly more comprehensive / superior to Eset’s. Having both programs issue warnings is slightly redundant, but causes no issues here whatsoever.
Good to know as I have just started running the new ESS beta and Heimdal Pro on a Win 10 machine here; light as a feather so far and they appear to be a good combination.