Heightened Awareness

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by ljc1174, Sep 2, 2002.

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  1. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Not to start any thing like bad rumors but has anyone else heard about this?

    ALERT 02-003

    "Heightened Awareness Warranted on August 5-6, 2002
    By U.S. Website and ISP Administrators"
    August 05, 2002

    On the afternoon of August 05, 2002, the National Infrastructure Protection Center received credible, but nonspecific information that wide-scale hacker attacks against U.S. websites and Internet Service Providers (ISP) are being planned for later tonight, possibly emanating from Western Europe.


    Now that's pretty wild!!!
  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    And, did it happen a month ago?
    Wasn't there around that date a hackers conference in USA where Bush' security it person invited the hackers to hack and try security leaks, for which he would look into giving some turns to the law?
    Must hunt for that URL again........
  3. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hi Lori!
    Website and ISP Admins are always "alert" for potential dangers. It goes with the territory in this biz. For the NIPC this stuff is still new. It's a big thing for them. It's old stuff to veterans of the Net. The NIPC are following their perceived law-enforcement style protocols and letting us know that they are on the job.

    If you need some reassurance about the current state of affairs on the Net go to SecurityUnit News and check the InfoCon box on the top left. It's like the DoD Defcon scale.
  4. Thanks LORI...had been busy and glad you posted it.

    I just checked and all my system are still working from that date....but the cat next door had kittens.
  5. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Hi Jooske,

    I dunno if it ever happened, that's partly the reason I posted it. Besides the fact that it's INSANE! LOL

    Hi Prince,

    Thanx for the link, I think that's the site I got Heightened Awareness link from.

    Hi MyNethingyman,

    I'm actually looking into getting a kitten, I think I'm picking one up tomorrow. I have a mouse in my house and it's really starting to gross me out!
    Glad to hear the hackers didn't affect your pc commuting!


    BTW: was there an actual attach on us sites? today is the first i'd heard of it, that explains my dumbfoundedness to the subject!

  6. Yes there were..most stopped on the coast in 1 hour and some overseas before they got here.
  7. Smiles Lori,

    We had fun with it..now if you really want to know what it was all about and what did happen..you will have to visit this thread.

    If you get another one before the fact..let me know..that would mean you are on the list or interested in the real infrastructure of the Internet .

    Be Well,
    John ;)

  8. Denial of service: Fighting back

    If you are also interested in some of the hardware that is going to make most of this history...here is another link...

    The equiptment is not cheap..but it works.. ;) ;) ;) ;)

    Denial of service: Fighting back
    Test shows there are several varied, viable options that help defend your network against attack.

    By Mandy Andress, Network World Global Test Alliance
    Network World, 09/02/02

    There's more than one way to skin a denial-of-service attack, but first you've got to catch it. Two years after the well publicized attacks on Yahoo, eBay and CNN, DoS attacks are still very prevalent - they just aren't discussed. The advent of new attack technologies, such as Naptha and Reflective DoS attacks, are making the process of protecting networks even more difficult.

    In a perfect world, your ISP would detect and deal with the growing number of these attacks on its end. But because many ISPs do not want to take on the added burden and legal responsibility to provide, or claim to provide DoS protection, you'll most likely have to deal with DoS attacks - whether they are randomized DoS, general distributed DoS or reflective distributed DoS - on your own.

    On the market today is a range of vendors providing DoS attack-detection and mitigation products. How each product approaches the problem runs the gamut. Signature vs. anomaly detection. Inline vs. network tap. Active vs. passive. Who does what and how does it all work?

    We invited a group of vendors into our lab to help discern the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Asta Networks, Captus Networks, CS3, Lancope, Mazu Networks, Radware and Webscreen agreed to participate in our review. AppSafe, Arbor Networks, CacheFlow, Check Point Software, Extreme Networks, FloodGuard, Internet Security Systems, IntruVert, NetScreen, Reactive Network Solutions, Recourse Technologies, Riverhead and TopLayer Networks declined.

    Our tests determined that these products all work about the same in detecting attacks, with most of the products detecting 95% of the attacks we launched (see online chart). The deciding factor lies in the mitigation techniques available to you. How concerned are you that valid traffic still needs to pass? How much control do you want over the process? What type of reports and how much data do you want to have available to you? Once you have answered those questions, you quickly will be able to narrow down the top choices for your environment.

    How we did it

    How the devices compare in tests

    Detecting DoS attacks before they disable your network
    A glossary of DoS terms
    Archive of Network World reviews
    Subscribe to the Product Review newsletter

  9. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA

    I was wondering if someone would post some actual links about this.

    I'm very interested!!! Would I still be posting and reading old headlines if I weren't? ;)

    Ok, I see that it would be my isp who would be hit by these attacks more then likely correct? But... if being said, they don't want to provide the protection of a DoS attack, and little 'ol me buys the hardware to protect my pc, what good does that do IF it's my isp that is attacked? Wouldn't that still affect my service whether I am protected or not?

    Maybe I didn't fully understand what I read in your post, but this is what came to my mind as I was reading it.
    Though I am interested!
  10. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    totally off topic posts have been deleted - please stick to the issue at hand on this thread
  11. Hi Lori,
    If what you read and understood does get through and "affect" your system and your ISP has not put something into "effect" to protect their Interest all their customers will suffer.

    You also know that many ISP's are just on paper..they own no equipment..they lease the space and time just like some customers do under more that fifty different plans. All of it is a service business connected to the Backbone of a medium of communication call the Internet with Gateways. Service Paths, backups. alternate paths..I am not using technical terms here but rather descriptive.

    To many people, their internet connection is a very personal thing. When they do not get it..and get it right..it is frustrating.

    I can not join you in that theme..I do not run an ISP..I just help people keep on line , fix their system, and sometime help people understand how it all comes together.

    I live in S. Carolina..2 minutes ago I was online with a relative in China...I know how the data got there through the entire Network...it is amazing..but none of it is perfect.


    Be Well,

  12. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA

    I'm one of those who freak out w/o my internet connection.
    But I still don't get it. I think my question fell more into the how could this hardware help me if my connection comes from my ISP and once they are attacked, what good is the hardware to me?

    Also, if I understood what you wrote about you not having an ISP... then I think I understand about the hardware thing.

  13. Hi Lori,

    Do you run a server?

    Do you have a static IP?

    Have you ever been DOS or DDOSed?

    With those questions answered and tell me what kind of system or network you are running including the hardware I will be able to help you.


  14. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    (there really isn't much help for me... but i guess it's worth it to try)

    Well, I don't think I run a server. And I am definitely not on a network. This is my home pc
    I have dsl, so wouldn't that mean I have a dynamic IP.
    NO, I've never been DOS, or DDOSed (<--- what is that?) I don't think, but my modem died 2 weeks after I got it and they had to bring me another one.

    What do you mean what kind of system?
    If you give me exact words of what you're looking for I can find the answer's.

    (forgive my ignorance, i am a total newbie to pc's) :oops:
  15. Well i was trying to stay on topic of your original post which had to do with this......On the afternoon of August 05, 2002, the National Infrastructure Protection Center received credible, but nonspecific information that wide-scale hacker attacks against U.S. websites and Internet Service Providers (ISP) are being planned for later tonight, possibly emanating from Western Europe.

    Thinking you did have a home web site..by system I mean more that just a PC..and do you have a router or anyother hardware or more than one PC networked.

    On the attack for DDOS and others I will put a link in the next post.

    Sorry to be so blunt..helping may today.

    regards, John
  16. These should help..

    DOS is deniel of service (attack)

    DDOS is distrubutive..when you have multiliple attacks coming from different sources which themselves have most likely been compromised and are driected to attack a certain segment of the Internet or IP address.

    Some of these could also be trying to break into systems and deface, destroy, compromise, or take them over to futher the attack..

    As a home user...I doubt you would ever get involved in the senario.

    See here...


  17. This seems to be the current Consensus

    Jim Wolf
    Thursday, August 29, 2002; 7:10 AM

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly half of corporate security officers expect terrorists to launch a major strike through computer networks in the next 12 months, a poll released on Thursday showed.

    A total of 49 percent of 1,009 subscribers to CSO Magazine said they feared a major cyber attack in the coming year by a group like al Qaeda, blamed for the Sept. 11 attacks by four hijacked airplanes that killed more than 3,000 people in the United States.

    The poll was carried out between July 19 and Aug. 1 by Framingham, Massachusetts-based CSO, whose first edition will appear next month.

    Respondents were mainly from the United States and Canada, and some may have links to intelligence and law enforcement officials, said Lew McCreary, editor in chief of the magazine whose initials stand for Chief Security Officer.

    "In other words, their anxieties may come with a bit more substance attached" than generalized fears of a new attack, he said in reply to a query from Reuters. "But I'd have to say it's a prediction based mainly on the threat being plausible rather than known through firm intelligence."

    Respondents to the CSO survey were almost evenly split on whether the U.S. government and U.S. businesses were better prepared to respond to cyber attacks today than on Sept. 11.

    But 95 percent of respondents said technology vendors needed to boost security aspects of their products. Only 7 percent said a group like al Qaeda would never launch a major cyber attack.


    To help protect cyberspace, President Bush will roll out a blueprint next month calling on people from personal computer users to U.S. rocket scientists to do their share, including installing anti-virus software, White House officials said on Wednesday.

    The goal is to prevent such things as "denial-of-service" attacks in which hijacked computing power could be collected and used to attack electricity grids, telecommunications and other critical infrastructure.

    "The average American doesn't necessarily recognize that he or she has a responsibility to protect their bit of cyberspace by using anti-virus software, firewalls, et cetera," said Tiffany Olson, deputy chief of staff of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board.

    The board was set up last October to coordinate the development of a national strategy to shore up the networks on which advanced industrial societies like the United States depend. It is chaired by Richard Clarke, special adviser to the president for cyber security.

    Clarke has been working on the president's strategy with as many as 25 executive branch agencies, including the Secret Service, the FBI-led National Infrastructure Protection Center and the Commerce Department.

    The heads of many of those agencies or their deputies will present Bush's new multilevel strategy to secure cyberspace on Sept. 18 at Stanford University in California, Olson added in a telephone interview.

    The strategy includes recommendations to personal computer users and small businesses; big enterprises; and federal, state and local governments, plus industrial groups, she said. It will also address national initiatives and "overarching" concerns, plus global aspects of cybersecurity, Olson said.
  18. ljc1174

    ljc1174 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    No, as far as I know I have no router's and there are no other pc's networked with mine, unless I'm being hacked from somewhere, which I doubt.

    No problem with being blunt, better then trying to soften your words and not getting your point across!

    Thank you for the articles...

    I knew what DOS meant, I was wondering if DDOS'ed had a different meaning.

    But who knows what could happen to my service... Ameritech is talking about leaving Cleveland as their home and moving to Columbus. Which will more then likely tick alot of people off and who knows how many ppl in this crap hold city actually know how to hack into companies like Ameritech. So if I disappear for awhile, you can prolly assume I've lost my ISP! LOL
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