Hard drive destruction

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by Uitlander, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Uitlander

    Uitlander Registered Member

    May 16, 2010
    Albany, CA
    Been researching the various methods for frying a hard drive beyond forensic recovery. Saw several sites suggesting an acid bath for the platter. If it works it seems quick, with little effort (as opposed to drilling, hammering, etc.). Was wondering if anyone here has tried it? Specifically I'm looking at two products:

    ARMOUR-Glass Etching Cream
    Ferric-Chloride-Etchant solution

    Both sold at various art supply stores, Amazon, and so on. The former for etching glass and latter one for metal. Anyone used these? Anyone like to venture a guess as to if either would destroy a hard drive platter?
  2. Krusty

    Krusty Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    Among the gum trees
    Why not just re-purpose it for backups or what ever?
  3. act8192

    act8192 Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2006
  4. Uitlander

    Uitlander Registered Member

    May 16, 2010
    Albany, CA
    I briefly considered it. The PCs I buy are used from eBay, and tend to last about 3-4 years before the hard drive goes into IMF self-destruct mode. I have had this XP Pro computer at least four years now. Too risky for re-use. I am having the computer tech coming by early December to transfer everything over to my 'new' Win7 PC that can be, pull the hard drive, remove the platter, then salvage the mobile rack and DVD burner. Once I have dealt with the platter 1-800-GOT-JUNK will take care of the remains....along with a lot of crapola I have accumulated over the years. I'm officially tired of flirting with the idea of becoming a 'hoarder', so I'm doing some major housecleaning.
  5. Uitlander

    Uitlander Registered Member

    May 16, 2010
    Albany, CA
    According to my posts on various forums, the general consensus is that all the free disk-wiping programs like DBAN take between 5 to 10 hours to complete, depending on the erasure method used. I'm looking for something a lot faster than that, but without the labor of hammer or drill.
  6. Krusty

    Krusty Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    Among the gum trees
    Know anyone with an angle grinder? Or oxy torch?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2021
  7. Uitlander

    Uitlander Registered Member

    May 16, 2010
    Albany, CA
    According to the websites I checked, burning it releases toxic fumes. Believe it or not, I'm no more interested in buying a gasmask than I am in getting a drill or hammer. Of the ways sites have suggested for destroying a hard drive platter, the acid method is the least labor intensive, cheapest, and requires the least paraphernalia. Some acid (about $10), and a borosilicate crystallizing dish (have it).

    So I will assume no one here has tried the acid method.

    Edit: Just found out it looks like nitric acid is required to destroy the data ~ https://www.harddriverecovery.org/hard-drive/repair/destroying-hard-drives-101-the-acid-test/
    Too risky for me. Guess I will have to check the Tool Lending Library for drill, bolt cutter, etc.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2021
  8. reasonablePrivacy

    reasonablePrivacy Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2017
    Member state of European Union
    But it does not require you to control it all the time. It also should scale well provided you have enough PCs/motherboard ports.

    Wiping all drive may take hours. If you just want to make data irreversibly lost on fully encrypted drive then you may just overwrite headers where keys are stored. Instead of writing terabytes of data it requires megabytes at most.
  9. Uitlander

    Uitlander Registered Member

    May 16, 2010
    Albany, CA
    I am aware of that. The fact is I do not have that many wall outlets, even less 3-prong ones, and all are in use. Something would have to be sacrificed for the 5-10 hours it would take. Yes, I could do it, but looking for another route.

    In going over the tool-list at the Tool Lending Library, I see some possible options....electric engraver, woodburning pen, soldering iron, and bolt cutters. The problem is I'm unsure just how far forensic recovery has gotten, and to what extent the platter must be destroyed. I'd assume that if drilling a few holes is sufficient, then any of the above would work, but assuming is usually what screws you over in the end.
  10. Krusty

    Krusty Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    Among the gum trees
    Find a bridge or cliff and pelt it into the ocean. Sand, salt and rust will eventually make it unusable.

    Gees, you must really have some secret/s you want kept that way. Personally, I have no problem re-using any HDDs / SSDs for other purposes as I suggested earlier.

    In any case, I'm done here. Best of luck.
  11. reasonablePrivacy

    reasonablePrivacy Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2017
    Member state of European Union
    even if it is possible why someone would spend a small fortune to recover your files?
  12. lucd

    lucd Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    Island of Woman
    SSDs are not trustworthy for data deletion
    both SSD and HDD can have manufacturer related stuff (drivers) so they will handle storage differently so you never know, but HDD is considered safer to erase data from, 1 wipe pass is enough, I have read about a virus that can resist 1 pass data wiping, and that you need more passes, I get it you want to get rid of the virus? it is science fiction though, 1 pass is always enough
    I only speak here because computers interest me in general, all aspects, and there are not many occasions to speak about data

    ARMOUR-Glass Etching Cream
    Ferric-Chloride-Etchant solution

    this is for the HDD drive that you are angry at I hope
    if this is incriminating stuff, I truly hope its not, than better hand it over to the police as data deletion or destruction is an incriminating hint in general
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2021
  13. imdb

    imdb Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Tech giants found destroying thousands of data storage devices every year - but why? by Sead Fadilpasic
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