Hard Disk issue...delayed write failed

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Simon Phoenix, Dec 29, 2005.

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  1. Simon Phoenix

    Simon Phoenix Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    My hdd is acting up, my computer freezes up at times and I get errors stating that I cannot write to a certain file, when I boot up, my computer says it needs to check the disk for consistency, fixes the errors then the errors come back, I need to fix this...

    I've run chkdsk in dos, no luck, problems still come back.

    My file system is fat32, windows xp home, 512mb, 40 gig hard drive, acer laptop, thanks.
  2. Simon Phoenix

    Simon Phoenix Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    Still have this problem on my laptop, really need some assistance.
  3. hadi

    hadi Guest

    I have seen such problem before. It occurs when there are damaged sectors at the beginning of the hard drive. since yours is fat32, use 9x boot disk and run full scandisk regardless how long it last and watch for bad sectors in the surface-scanning map, writing on paper the damage starting and end points (kilobytes no.). if the HD has a severe damage then replacing it is the proper solution. If however the damage is near the beginning or near the end try to isolate it,
    1-if it is at the beginning (you need to format) then start partitioning immediately after the bad sectors end (the last kilobyte No.), leaving the bad sectors portion unformatted.
    2- if the bad sectors are near the end (no need to format) but defrag 3 times to push the data towards the beginning of the HD, then isolate the damaged area by cutting exactly just before the start of the damage.

    For NTFS you can check errors and/or bad sectors with this free prog . download .zip file(no installer) - just unzip and double click
  4. hadi

    hadi Guest

  5. Simon Phoenix

    Simon Phoenix Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    Well, I am reformatting the hdd right now and putting windows xp proffessional on it, as of right now, it's stuck at 92% formatting for at least 5 minutes now so I would assume the errors are at the end of the hard drive. I am however formatting at ntfs.
  6. hadi

    hadi Guest

    This means that the bad sectors are near the begining. try to locate them, re-format in FAT32 and boot up with 98/Me boot disk and full scandisk C.(if no floppy drive burn a bootable CD from the boot disk somewhere -public library for ex.-using Nero). once the surface scaning map appears watch the kilobytes counter on the right pane, and keep notes when it becomes slower than normal, this gives an indication for the begining of the damage.
  7. Simon Phoenix

    Simon Phoenix Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    How do I create a boot disk? I don't know....
  8. hadi

    hadi Guest

  9. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK

    Could be sign of your HDD crashing and dieing permantly !

    I have an 80gig hdd, that crashes after a day or so of continous use, get loadsa delayed write errors, the machine gets hung up for 5 minutes or so and then after this happening a few times repeatedly the drive disappears from windows XP and needs a powerdown to get the drive back.

    It reports ZERO bad sectors on a full scan and also NO smart errors in HDtune.

    Tell tale signs are excessive head slapping a few mins before the problem is about to happen, I fear my hdd was damaged by overheating when a friend borrowed it.

    Anyhow, fingers crossed that it is as Hadi said.

    One thing I do know about NTFS, is that it is smart enough to map out bad sectors on the fly (especially combined with the MFT journelling which will roll back and retry to save data) , I dont think FAT can do this.
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