Hi Slammer, Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! Happy Birthday to you and many more to come. Enjoy your day Groetjes, Gerard
Gelukkige Verjaardag u voetbalnoot!! Plucking toolips in Farquard, van ed Ps....hopefully this post will not require a "no offence" post!!
Happy birthday Slammer I hope you have one terriffic birthday my friend! my very best wishes to you! http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8163/ggny57vb.gif http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/7508/ahap6tg.gif
http://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA61_prv1.gifhttp://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA61_prv1.gifhttp://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA61_prv1.gifhttp://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA61_prv1.gifhttp://www.diegotorres.com.ar/mensajeitor/foro/caritas/120103_emA61_prv1.gif http://img324.imageshack.us/img324/2307/image23vi.jpg
[MOVE]More birthdays to come!!![/MOVE] [MOVE]http://forums.site5.com/images/smilies/dancingparty.gif[/MOVE]
I'm not even going to try to speak his language. I'd fail. Miserably. So, here slammie...I know You understand THIS, for the great Viking that You are !! Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag !!! http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/3010/cardbdfish4dk.jpg P.S. There's no compromise with a 'belly~dancing' sea maiden! Cheers! http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/4461/ustardance11qn.jpg
Thank you, Sweater, Nat (I'll even 'forgive' you your German ), Uguel (very nice and btw I like your wig - or is that your real dye? ), Eldar & Mikel ! HNY to all of you slam
Sorry, Slammer, dat ik te laat ben, maar de party is toch door gegaan, zoals ik zie Happy Belated Birthday and nog vele jaren