Happy Birthday Intoxicated wishing you wonderful things for your birthday!Have a great one! your friend http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/7710/rcableguy7sa.gif http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/8922/purpleexplodevi7dn.gif
wow! thanks guys! didn't expect anyone to say happy birthday to little old me! anyways, thanks again.......i really appreciate it! btw: no, that would be new years eve......amateur night!
DUDE !!!! Happy Birthday my GOOD friend !!! And many more !!!!! Dude !!!! Great to see you around today ! Guess I better leave again for a month or two . Great to see you and I hope this was a GREAT day for you
Dave, Hope your b-day was just special !! Have some Melon-juice with me. Miss seeing you around, Mr. Intox... http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/2018/cool0cp.gif
"....little old me!" You do not do yourself justice. I like having you around here. You offer up some good posts and help. Happy Birthday.
you all are too kind! i'm on here everyday........i've just decided to keep my mouth shut in my old age! thanx again everyone!