GoBack vs DeepFreeze vs Firstdefence vs Vcom REc Commander

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by starfish_001, Nov 6, 2005.

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  1. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    Just wondering what people use and what experiences have been had.

    I have used GoBack and Vcom Rec Commander fro a while. Goback has saved my bacon a couple of times - while testing a some betas as has REcovery Commander.
  2. clipshow

    clipshow Guest

    I use Goback 4 (also used older versions) and it is very useful and has many more features than the previous versions. It seems to be as good or better than ShadowUser, DeepFreeze and some of the others.

    I do think perhaps RestoreIT has an edge over Goback because it seems more like a combination of Ghost and Goback in one program, and you can't use Ghost and Goback together on the same hard drive, so I may be testing out RestoreIT next.
  3. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    I use First Defense, and wouldn't be without it. Needs more diskspace than goback on one hand, but on the other you don't ever lose history, until you chose to change it. It has saved my bacon to many times to mention.
  4. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    For people using poduct other than GB - does your product work as an overlay changing the partition id?

    The reason I ask is some recovery software Bart PE can't read GB partitions for that reason I would pay for another product
  5. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Not sure exactly what you mean, but First Defense, does modify the MBR so it can point to different snapshots. I am not exactly clear if it works with a multi partition drive, since I only use 1 partition.
  6. Technic

    Technic Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    I am using GoBack 4.0 and Ghost 9.0 on the same hard drive. No problems here. Maybe i am missing something?


  7. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    I should explain
    Goback enabled disks will have a hex id of 0x44. You will need to change this to 0x0B if your disks were FAT32 or to 0x07 if your disks were NTFS. Reboot or mount the drive and your disks should be readable with Bart’s PE and perhaps other recovery CDs VCom for example. I would expect Ghost to recognise these disk IDs. Personally I prefer True Image

    Knoppix can read goback enabled disks.

    I guess what am asking is what is the best alternative product? what problems does it cause you? Do they all change the hex id.
  8. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    I have used Goback and FirstDefense and can highly recommend both; my personnal preference is FirstDefense. I have never used any of the others. I have read the manual for RestoreIt and it sounds very interesting.

    The only drawback of FD is that it can only be used on NTFS systems and it uses an incredible amount of disk space. It needs that much disk space to be so flexible and perform its magic. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  9. Reve_Etrange

    Reve_Etrange Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2005
    Anyone used Bootback yet?

  10. Reve_Etrange

    Reve_Etrange Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2005
    Non-English Windows version not supported both for FDISR and Bootback -- great............

  11. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    FDISR without question . Customer support could be better though
  12. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    One thing relative to the partition question. You can disable the preboot in FDISR, which removes it from the MBR. I do this to take disk images with both Ghost and True image. That way the MBR is clean. However I wouldn't run that way on an ongoing basis as if something trashes the snapshot you are working in an preboot is disabled you have no way to get to the other partitions.
  13. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    Well Goback has just let me down - no history to restore and no error before I needed it so I think I going to change. THis looks and sounds very interesting? Expensive but can First Defence do everything that this can do?


    Clip some of the article her
    RecoverPC consists of a tiny PCI card that looks like a mutated DIMM. Once fitted, RecoverPC requisitions a number of hard disk sectors for its own use almost as soon as the PC is switched on. It uses anything between 100MB to 4GB worth, depending on the capacity of the drive. The sectors are marked as 'unavailable', which means they're strictly off limits to all applications, partitioning tools and low-level formatting utilities; hard disk controllers use the same technique to prevent sectors of a hard disk with physical defects being used.

    RecoverPC uses these sectors to store a baseline - a snapshot of the current logical state of the drive - as well as any further changes to the drive's contents.

    Armed with this information, RecoverPC uses it to restore a PC back to the working baseline state when a problem occurs. The difference between it and Windows System Restore is that the PC doesn't need a working Windows installation for the recovery to happen. RecoverPC has its own BIOS that pops up the recovery options before it looks for an operating system to boot.

    True to Involution's word, the restore process is near instant, regardless of its scale. We deleted our test PC's primary NTFS partition and created a new FAT32 one in its place, and RecoverPC undid the damage in a couple of seconds.
  14. hardhead

    hardhead Guest

    RestoreIT is the best of the lot because if your hard drive fails you can just instantly copy your saved images (from a 2nd hard drive or dvd, cd ect.) to a new hard drive.

    The nice thing about being able to save your revert times (you can't do this with Goback) is if you do a defrag you won't have to worry about losing your restore times like you do with Goback.

    And RestoreIT is better than First Defense because you can save many many different times to revert to, as many as your back up media can hold! Unlike FD where you can only have a total of ten revert times, that fill up your hard drive to and make it run slower because it's so full and bloated. I like to save many different revert times and they can't be lost like they could with a hard drive failure while using FD.

    But RestoreIT also runs like Goback too, where you can restore the image from a hidden partition on your current (or secondary/backup) hard drive. It really is like combining Goback and True Image (or Ghost) in one program. :)

    My opinion is, save some cash and your sanity and get RestoreIT, and forget about using multiple programs to do the job RestoreIT can do all by itself. ;)
  15. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    While what you say may be true and I do believe that RestoreIt is an excellent program based upon reading the entire manual, FD can do a few unique things.

    FD is almost like having different partitions: you can have completely different configurations of your system, EVEN DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEMS. Many times I have tested different AV and browsers on different Snapshots, without fear of affecting my other "c:drives". But to each his own, I like all of these type programs, in my opinion more folks should use them, not for everyone, but there would be a whole lot less tears being cried around the world if more folks would use ANY of these programs.

  16. TonyW

    TonyW Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    What's your opinion about the current incremental backup point that increases in size as you use the computer? In my trial of the product, I found this to be a surprise. When you said:
    I thought hang on, yes that's true, but I found with just three backup points in RestoreIt, I had reached 30% used space on the partition, and that was gradually increasing so, in effect, it was slowly filling up the partition. I understand there's a warning when there's 15% space left (or whatever figure you set the warning to), but quite what you do then I'm not sure. Delete and start over perhaps? But then the current and latest incremental backup point starts to increase again. This is really the bit I don't understand.

    PS: I'm trialling FD at the mo, and can say it isn't running slower because "it's so full and bloated". I still have 29GB left of a 40GB drive.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2005
  17. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Actually, that is true. Yes, FD may take up more drive space, but there is no reason why that would slow you down in any way. The only one of these type of "Instant Recovery" programs that I know of that can slow you down, is GoBack.

  18. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    THanks guys a short list is emerging beyond my original list

    RestoreIT or or First Defence or RecoverPC

    I have trueimage for disk imaging for a long while now having moved from Ghost.

    I need to work out if these product are compatible but they all look good

    RestoreIT looks best and its very cheap
  19. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Looks interesting too, if you get it, let us know how you like it.

  20. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Actually with latest verison of First Defense you can have more then 10 "restore points" and not use up any of your C: drive, IF you have an external hard drive.

    First Defense allows you to build an Archive snapshot on an external drive. So if I wanted say 7 rotating snapshots, first I'd build all 7 archives on my external drive. It takes me about 20 minutes to build a fresh archive. Then each day I'd refresh the appropriate days archive. That only takes about 1.5 minutes for me.

  21. Ailric

    Ailric Guest

    RestoreIT can disc image too and far easier than TI. No third-party software required.
  22. controler

    controler Guest

    Can I ask a simple question and hope someone answers?

    Why isn't anybody using Microsofts free Go back program?

    MS shared toolkit?

    Or Vmware?

  23. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    MS restore does not restore your entire hard drive, just certain files and the registry. These instant recovery programs restore EVERY SINGLE SECTOR of your hard drive.

  24. The MS shared toolkit is not system restore. ;)
  25. starfish_001

    starfish_001 Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2005
    I do use Vcom recovery Commander like sys restore except its more reliable. Vmware and others are very useful for testing. But is very handy to be able to revert a wholoe drive without restoring a whole image from Ghost or TI:)

    Goback is now removed - will try out FD or RestoreIt tonight after I have imaged the machine with TI once more.

    Another question - How about dual boot - Goback changes the Parttion I so without the driver the second O/s does not appear to boot - in my case any way.

    Does FD or RestoreIt do this?
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